~ Chapter 18 ~

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"W-what? Are you saying this for real?" I asked, completely out of shock. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and sadness.

"Is that a no?" He asked sadly.

"No! Of course I will go on a date with you." I said. His face lit up with delight and I smiled at him fondly.

"Wait, really?" He asked. I nodded.

"Of course." I smiled. He picked me up, carefully, and span me around in a circle. I hugged him and we stared into each others eyes for a while. We got suddenly cut off when I heard crying on the baby monitor.

"I'm guessing that is Phoenix?" He joked.

"Well hopefully, seeing as I only have one." I laughed. I went into Phoenix's room and went over to her crib. I picked her up and changed her diaper. She stopped crying as soon as I did. I gently bounced her up and down gently. I brought her into the living room where Cal was sat.

"Hello!" He said in a baby voice. She looked up at him and then back to me. She was still very tiny so I held her carefully.

"She is still tiny, isn't she ?" He asked.

"Yeah. She's much bigger than she was though." I said, sitting down. She started fussing a bit. "I think she's hungry."

"Do you want me to turn away?" He asked.

"Please." I nodded. He got up and walked into the hallway to breastfeed. She latched on just fine. Once she was done, I called for Cal to come back in. I burped her and cuddled her closely. I then heard my phone ringing. "Sorry." I apologized.

"Why are you apologizing? Answer the phone, I don't mind." He smiled. I mouthed a thank you and answered.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Alexis." Brendon spoke.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah thanks. Is of okay to come round?" He asked.

"I kind of already have company." I told him, biting my lip.

"Oh okay. Text me when they're gone." He said.

"Um, okay. Will do." I spoke.

"Bye." He said.

"By-" I got cut off by the phone hanging up.

"Who was that?" Cal asked curiously.

"It was just Brendon. He'll come round later." I said.

"Okay. Should I give Phoenix her present?" He asked.

"Go ahead." I said. I put Phoenix on her play mat, which was a giraffe. Cal knelt down one side of the mat and I knelt on the other.

"Hello Phoenix. I've brought a present for you. It's a Phoenix." He said in a baby voice. She looked up at him and smiled. She kicked her legs and arms about in delight as he handed her the toy. She grasped it with her tiny fist and smiled.

"I think she likes that toy." I giggled.

"She must do." Cal responded. We looked down and it looked as though she was cuddling it.

"Thank you for this toy." I said to Cal.

"It's no problem. Are you free this Friday?" He asked.

"In 3 days?" I asked.

"Yeah." He replied. I thought for a moment.
"Yeah. I should be. I'll ask Brendon to take Phoenix for the night." I told him.

"Okay. Sounds great. I'll pick you up around 8?" He said.

"Sounds perfect." I told him. We stood up and he looked at his phone to check the time.

"I'd better be going. See you Friday." He said. I walked him over to the door and waved him goodbye. I can't believe he asked me out on a date!

Rock stars' baby ~ Brendon Urie Where stories live. Discover now