~ Chapter 28 ~

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I washed my face, did my usual face and skin care routine and brushed my teeth. I then changed into my pink polka dot bikini hand put some ripped denim shorts on over it and a white vest top. I also put on a black and pink kimono. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and did some light, waterproof makeup. I put Phoenix in a matching bikini and put a cute white floral dress on her with some white sandals and a white hat. I put on my white sandals and grabbed my bag. Cal then emerged from the bathroom, wearing some beige shorts and a stereotypical Hawaiian shirt. He also had on some sneakers and his hair was normal. He had made the picnic up and put it in the basket.

"You look stunning." He complimented, wrapping an arm around my waist and kissing me on the top of my head.

"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself." I complimented back. I picked up Phoenix and blew raspberries on her stomach, making her giggle loudly. I then put her in her pram and put the baby bag around the handles. We made our way out of the room and went into the lift. We were greeted in the lobby by Brendon and Sarah!

"Hey guys!" Sarah exclaimed. She peeked in the pram. "Phoenix looks so cute!" We started walking to the beach and me and Sarah had a nice conversation.

"Thank you! We have matching bikinis on today." I smiled.

"Very nice. I asked Brendon to match but he refused." She stated and we started laughing. The boys, who were walking in front of us, turned around and looked confused. We just ignored them and carried on talking.

"Typical. What's it like being engaged?" I asked.

"Very odd. I went to take my ring off before I went to sleep but then I remembered that I can keep it on." She said.

"I bet it feels weird. Will you be having children in the future?" I asked.

"Maybe. For now, we are saying no but it isn't ruled it out." She explained.

"Fair enough." I answered. We arrived at the beach and it was full of people but we managed to find a decent spot to put our stuff. I put down some towels and took Phoenix out of her pram and put suncream on her and then me. I took off her sandals and stood her up so she could feel the sand on her feet. I sat her back down on the towel.

"Who wants to go into the sea?" Brendon asked cheerfully.

"I'm going to take Phoenix and take some photos. You can come if you want and I'll take some for your Instagram or whatever." I told him.

"Sounds great. We'll just let Cal and Sarah know." Brendon said.

"Cal, Sarah," I called and it got their attention. "Me and Brendon are going to head down to the sea for a bit! Do you mind keeping an eye on the stuff?" I asked.

"Sure. I don't mind." Cal said.

"Me neither. It's Phoenix's first time so both her parents should be there." Sarah said.

"Thank you!" I said to them. I took off my shorts, top and kimono, leaving me in my bikini and I took Phoenix's dress off, leaving her in her bikini. I picked up Phoenix and carried her on my hip to the sea. We stood at the wet sand bit and stood her up. I handed Brendon my phone and asked him to take some pictures. He took one of me holding Phoenix up so it looked like she was standing up, another of her sat on the sand, one where she was playing in with the sea water and another of me and her together whilst in the sea.

"I've taken quite a few for you. Can you take some for me?" He asked.

"Sure." I smiled. I took his phone and captured some good photos. They were quite similar to the ones that Brendon took for me but they were cute nonetheless.

"Let's head back up now." Brendon said. We headed back up to our spot where Cal and Sarah were.

"Heya. Did you get some good photos?" Cal asked.

"Yeah we did. Have a look if you want!" I said, handing him my phone.

"They are really brilliant photos." He said. I took my phone back and posted them all on Instagram with the caption: Me and my little Lady on the beach. She loves it! Photo Creds @/Brendonurie

"Who's hungry?" I asked. Everyone nodded and we got out the picnic basket and opened it up. There was sandwiches, sausage rolls, tomatoes, salad, grapes, strawberries, lemonade, coke, mini sausages; all the party food you could hope for! We all tucked into the food and we were all stuffed by the end of it!

"That was so nice. I can't swim now for an hour!" Brendon exclaimed.

"It's time to give Phoenix a feed and put her down for a nap." I said. I covered the area with a blanket and let her feed. Once she had finished, I burped her and put her into the pram and opened the umbrella so she could have some shade for her nap.


"Today has been really fun." Sarah smiled. We had packed up from the beach and we were now on our way back to the hotel.

"It has been." I replied.

"What are you going to do later?" Sarah asked.

"Probably have dinner and go to bed. What about you?" I asked.

"Probably the same as you." Sarah replied.

"What exciting lives we lead." I joked.

"I know, right?" Sarah joked back.

"Thank you for coming today." I said.

"No problem at all. It was really fun!" She exclaimed. We arrived at the hotel.

"Thank you both for coming today." I repeated.

"Not a problem." Brendon smiled.

"We'll see you tomorrow then?" I asked.

"Sure thing! See you tomorrow!" Sarah said, hugging me. I hugged back. Brendon gave Phoenix and kiss and a cuddle and gave me a quick hug. Brendon and Cal also bro hugged and we parted ways.

Rock stars' baby ~ Brendon Urie Where stories live. Discover now