~ Chapter 15 ~

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As we were wheeled into the surgery room, I grew more and more nervous. A lot of questions were spinning around my head. Will the baby be okay? Was the main one. That baby was my main focus for now. I just needed to make sure that they are okay.

"Let's go meet our baby." Brendon said, trying to make me smile. It didn't really work that well. I took a few deep breaths. By this time, I couldn't feel my legs or my stomach and it felt pretty weird, in all honesty. The surgeons decided to put on the radio and The Ballad Of Mona Lisa came on the radio. I smiled slightly, knowing that hopefully they would be born to one of their father's songs. It felt like ages they were getting the baby out. Then, it finally happened. They lifted the baby up and showed me quickly but it didn't cry.

"What's going on? Why aren't they crying?" I panicked. I saw a few doctors run over to where they had took them. I looked over at Brendon. "What are they doing to our baby?"

"They're checking he or she over." He said.

"I want my baby." I cried.

"I know. I know." He soothed. They them brought them over to me.

"Congratulations. It's a girl. Baby Luton" The surgeon smiled. The surgeon passed the baby over to me and lay her on my chest.

"It's baby Urie, actually." I told the surgeon. Brendon looked over at me and smiled.

"R-really?" Brendon asked. I nodded.

"My apologies." They replied.

"She's so tiny." I whispered. I kissed her tiny forehead and Brendon did the same.

"She is going to have to be put in a baby incubation box. This is so we can monitor her due to her being quite early." The doctor explained. I nodded and a tear escaped my eye. I never wanted this to happen. I wanted to go through a normal pregnancy but I can't. I looked up at Brendon and noticed that he looked as if he were about to cry as well. I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze and he looked down and smiled.

"We'll get through this." He told me.

"I hope so." I whispered. I let a tear float down my cheek as I was wheeled back into the main room. When I got back in there, Cal and Sarah were waiting for us both.

"How'd it go? Is it a girl or a boy? Are they okay?" They both bombarded me with questions. I just closed my eyes, preventing myself from crying.

"Alexis, are you okay?" Cal asked worriedly.

"Bren, what happened? Is everything okay?" Sarah asked cautiously.

"Um, they have to put her in an incubator box because she is so early." He said quietly. Call took hold of my hand.

"It's a girl?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah." Brendon mumbled. There wasn't any talking going on, just a big period of silence. Sarah was telling us that everything will be alright and it will all turn out fine. The doctor then came in about 2 hours later.

"We have an update on the baby. She is stable and seems to be breathing fine. Obviously, there are tubes and fluids keeping her alive but she seems to be recovering. Would you like to go and see her?" He asked. I opened my eyes and looked up at Brendon.

"As long as you come with me." I whispered. He nodded and the doctor and him helped me into a wheelchair. Brendon slowly pushed me in the wheelchair, following the doctor suite. Then, we came to a halt. I looked through the window and saw her. She was tiny. Too tiny. She had tubes and cables everywhere around her. Tears filled my eyes and Brendon looked down at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly. I nodded and he wheeled me through the doors. He pushed me towards the box and I took a deep breath.

"If anything happens, just press this button." The doctor told us, handing us the remote and pointing to the button. We nodded and he walked outside, closing the door behind him. I put my arm through one of the holes and held her tiny fist.

"She's so tiny." I whimpered. Brendon rubbed my shoulder.

"I know." He whispered. I looked up at him and smiled softly.

"We made this." I said in a hushed tone.

"Yeah, we did. We need to think of a name for her." He said, smiling.

"I quite like Phoenix." I told him. He nodded.

"Phoenix Urie. Has a nice ring to it. What will her middle name be?" He asked.

"I chose the first name so you can choose the middle name." I smiled. He stood and thought about it for a while.

"What was your mother's name?" He asked.

"Amber." I replied.

"Well, how about her full name be Phoenix Amber Grace Urie?" He suggested, Grace being his mother's name.

"I think that is a beautiful name." I told him.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He replied.

"Phoenix Amber Grace Urie." I repeated, under my breath.

"What's the date today?" He asked.

"14th March 2013." I replied.

Rock stars' baby ~ Brendon Urie Where stories live. Discover now