Devin's Baby

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"C'mon Chris, don't be a baby!" Josh snickered "Go pay a visit to your local haunted house!"

"Josh, please be nice to Chris..." Devin sighed, shaking his head in disapproval.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, sweetie..." Devin reassured the tallest male.

"I will!" Chris declared.

"You never listen to me..." Devin groaned.

"Chris, where are you off to?" Chris' mom peeked into the living room.

"Yeah Chrissy, where? Can I come? I wanna come!" Kuza ran over to his brother, jumping into his arms.

"Not this time, Mikey," Chris looked to his mom, lying right to her face "I just need to go pick something up."

Kuza growled and hit his big brother on the chest. "I wanna go!" He whined.

"Sorry bud, you can hangout with Dev and Josh though?" Chris kissed his brother's forehead, sitting him down.

"Dev! Make me pretty again!" Kuza picked up Devin's make-up bag, tugging at Devin's hand. Devin stood, walking to Chris, dragging the eager child along with him.

Looking Chris over, Devin gave him his phone, a flashlight, a pocket knife, and a kiss on the cheek. Chris groaned, gaining a swat at his hand from Devin, as he attempted to wipe the kiss away.

"What're they even for?" Chris groaned once more, stuffing his phone in his back pocket.

"If anything happens, call me. The flashlight is in case you don't get back before dark. The knife is in case any attractive male, other than myself, tries to flirt with your beautiful self." Kuza giggled, resting his head against Devin's hip.

"See? Even your brother thinks it's a good idea to have the knife!" Josh put his arm around Ghost's waist, only getting it swat away by Kuza.

"Don't touch Dev!" Kuza squeaked "Only I can hug him!"

"Your brother is weird," Josh whispered to Chris.

Devin kissed Chris' cheek once more, handing him his jacket. "Be safe, I need you to cuddle with me when you get back."

"Wait-" Chris began, instantly getting cut off by Devin.

"Bye sweetheart, I love you!" Devin pushed Chris out door, closing it behind him.

Devin turned to Josh, covering Kuza's ears. "What the fuck is wrong with you? That house isn't haunted! Don't even try to scare my baby!" Josh shrugged, sitting back down on the couch.

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