The Door to the Unknown

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Chris stepped onto the steps of his 'local haunted house'. It wasn't even haunted, it was just full of rodents, and some other diseased animals.

The step creaked, pressure be applied in God knows how long. The once dark purple paint, had chipped and faded greatly. Once golden shutters, had turned to rust and creaked in the wind, the hinges wearing down. They hung on one hinge, above the dead and overgrown grass and weeds, or over the rotted planks on the front and back porch.

Chris pushed the old door open, cringing when the hinges creaked. The gate of the gothic fence creaked in the wind, swaying the slightest bit. A malnourished mouse scampered across the floor, hiding in the walls.

The inside of the house was far better than the outside. The walls were black, old candles everywhere. A black leather couch rested easily in front of a old box TV. Attempting to turn on his flashlight, Chris slowly walked around the house.

When he checked the flashlight for batteries, it was empty. Checking his phone, it had died. He quickly remembered he had a box of matches, for some unknown reason. Lighting a match, he lit three candles on the candlebra, and continued through the house.

The bathroom had a claw-footed bath tub, and a matching toilet and vanity. Chris peered at himself in the black framed mirror, shrugging to himself and leaving the bathroom. There wasn't much in the house, only empty rooms with some junk in them.

Walking upstairs, a clank emitted as Chris was halfway to the top. Leaning over and picking up a skeleton key, Chris put it in his hoodie pocket. Once at the top, Chris walked down the hall, examining each room carefully. He had at least spent an hour in the house.

Resuming his journey, Chris tried to open a red door at the end of the hallway. To fully satisfy Josh, he had to explore the whole house.

Trying the handle, it didn't budge. Putting two and two together, Chris pulled the skeleton key out of his pocket, gently inserting it into the hole. Turning it to the left as careful as possible, the door unlocked and Chris pushed it open.

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