Matt's Dog

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"Hey Matt," Chris greeted the smaller male, who smiled briefly, "Since when did you have a dog?"

"Huh? - oh yeah! Her name is Lucky, I got her a couple days ago," Matt scratched behind the black dog's ear when she approached them.

"She must be a quiet dog," Vinny muttered.

"What was that?" Matt looked up from his phone, pausing his music.

"Nothing," Vinny shook his head, sending daggers at the happy dog.

Ryan elbowed Vinny and Chris, motioning to Josh, who stared at the sidewalk with a blank face. "Is he alright?" Ryan asked.

Vinny thought a moment. "Yeah, Zeal was just getting to him again," Ryan sighed, wishing Zeal never existed.

"Wish she isn't real for as long as you like, but she'll stay around until all the human is 'outta her," Ryan shook his head mournfully.

Chris elbowed Vinny and Ryan hard. "What?" Vinny growled.

"Why does Matt look so much like my Ricky?" Chris asked.

"Maybe they were related?" Ryan whispered.

"Low chance. Very low chance," the three boys turned to look at Josh, who had turned his gaze to them.

* * *

The bus turned the corner, appearing in sight as the teens gathered their items to load onto the bus. Nick burst out the front door, followed by Dexter who was throwing a meowing fit.

"Chris where the hell is Ricky?" Nick almost ran into Chris.

"What do you mean where is Ricky?"

"Who's Ricky?"

"Dexter, don't run into the street, you moron!"

"Guys calm the hell down!"

"Nick, what do you mean?" Chris stared Nick dead in the eye.

"He was here last night, right?" Chris nodded as Nick spoke, "Well he isn't now!"

"You can look for him while we're at school, right?" Josh asked. Nick shook his head frantically.

"Fine, let's go look for him; Vinny, Dexter, lead the way! Matt, you're coming with us," before Matt could object, they grabbed his pale wrist and drug him along. They were sprinting to Angelo's house, where he, Ghost and Ashley and Dani were waiting for the bus.

"Ricky! Where is he?" Angelo searched Chris' eyes before answering.

"Chris, I have no idea where he is. If he's missing we can look for him when he get back from school," Dani slid off of the porch railing where she had been sitting.

"Who's Ricky?" Dani asked, interjecting at the right time.

"That's what I was wondering!" Matt said.

"He's Chris' boyfriend, yada yada, he looks like Matt," Ghost stood from his seat on the steps.

"First of all: Ricky isn't my boyfriend. Second... Wait, he actually does look like Matt," Chris narrowed his eyebrows as he thought.

"Guys, Dexter and I found his scent. Let's go before the snow covers it up," Vinny interrupted, not caring the slightest bit.

* * *

"Are you sure you know where we're going?" Ashley glanced at Matt's dog as they walked.

"Yeah, how are we even sure that Lucky, Vin and Dexter know what Rick smells like?" Ryan asked.

"Ryan, you're like a psychic, you tell us where he is!" Josh rolled his eyes, "You practically sense dead people. And Ricky is basically half-dead-half-living!"

"You said it yourself Josh, he's undead," Angelo shrugged.

"Dexter, come here sweetie," Dani cooed, crouching down.

Dexter turned around, trotting back to her, making the whole group stop for a moment. "Can you please work faster at finding Ricky for us? If you can, I'll give you treats!" Dexter's eyes widened at the mention of treats, and he ran ahead. Lucky and Vinny followed close behind, making the others have to keep up.

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