"Is it real?"

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Chris groaned, rolling over in his bed. Opening his heavy eyes, which still had make up on them, he smiled at the sight of his little brother beside him. Leaning over, Chris grabbed his phone to check the time. 11:36 a.m.

"Shit," Chris carefully crawled out of bed without disturbing his brother's sleep. Cursing at how loud his drawers were when he went to open them. He quietly got some clothes and got a quick shower.

Walking downstairs, Chris saw Mike emersed in an episode of Ghost Adventures. Sitting down beside his brother, he pulled his socks and shoes on.

"Michael, eat your cereal," Chris smiled at his mom, who returned the action. Ruffling his younger brother's hair, Chris stood up.

"Chris, we have to go to the store," Chris' mom informed him. Chris stared blankly at his mom.

"Chris, it's only Saturday, you can go wherever you need to tommorow," she sighed.

"But I have to meet up with Angelo and-" Chris began, getting cut off by the little squeaky demon he called his brother.

"You're going with Ange? Can I come, I wanna come!" Mike's sibling growled under his breath.

"No, besides, Vinny, Ghost and Josh are going to be there. We all know you hate Vinny with all of your annoying little heart," Chris picked up his bag of materials.

"Christopher, be nice!" His mother scolded.

"What's going on this time?" Chris' dad came in from the garage.

"Mike won't stop bothering me!" Chris yelled.

"Christopher, grow up and take your brother with you," his dad said sternly. Chris growled is disapproval.

"Hurry up," Mike jumped up and ran to get his socks and shoes.


"Why are we here?" Mike rested his head against Chris' neck, staring at the old house. Vinny and Josh waited on the steps, Angelo and Ghost no where in sight.

"We have to do something," Chris explained to his little brother.

"Where's Ghost and Ange?" Chris asked. Josh shrugged as Vinny snapped his head in Chris' direction.

"They're mending the bones, muscles and stuff together, and mixing the formula," Vinny explained. Mike wiggled out of Chris' grip, running to Vinny who cautiously picked him up.

"I thought he hated Vinny?" Josh asked. Mike shook his head, wrapping his limbs around Vinny's small frame. Chris simply shrugged, entering the house.


"Is it real?" Mike asked as he poked the corpse on the metal table.

"You're gross!" Ghost pulled Mike away from the table, wiping his hands off with a cloth.

"Yes, it's real," Angelo answered sincerely.

"I cant believe you touched that without having a heart attack!" Vinny snickered to Ghost.

"Excuse me, but I had gloves on!" Josh and Chris exchanged looks as Vinny and Ghost continued to argue. Angelo muttered to himself as he began making the liquid formula.

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