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A/n: The next chapter is the last, and it will 99.9% give you the feels. I almost cried when prewriting it.

"Ricky, we have to talk," Chris stated flatly. Kuza and Devin looked at each other.

Ricky looked up, "Ab-out w-what?" He asked nervously.

"Where do you keep going?" Chris asked, no emotion evident in his voice.

"Wha-t're you t-taking a-about?" Ricky asked.

"You keep disappearing," Chris stated. His eyes flashed red.

"I sti-ll have n-no idea what you m-mean," Kuza raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" Chris growled.

"A-ll I r-remember i-is a fire," Ricky frowned. In that instant, a fire erupted in the living room.

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