Is It Love?

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A/n: It would be fan-fucking-tastic if Gmail didn't email me when I get notification from here. I'm not blind.

Devin waited patiently at Chris' door. Sure, he was forced to endure ignoring Chris, Matt and Vinny but he still loved them. After all, Devin always had a thing for Chris and Vinny. Devin could do this, he was okay with himself.

"What now?" Kuza scoffed. Great, he just had to be the one to answer the door.

"I-Is... Chris here?" Devin asked. If Kuza hadn't discouraged him, he wouldn't have lost the courage be built up for the past hour.

"Of course he is, asshole. This is his house," Kuza snitt.

Devin glared at him, "I want to see him,"

"I bet he'll fucking have a mental, but alright," Kuza said sarcastically as Devin pushed him aside.

Devin knocked on Chris' door, surprised to be pulled in a second later.

* * *

Devin would rather not talk about what happened with Chris and himself. He wish it didn't happen, but at the same time he did. He had too many thoughts racing through his mind to find an actual answer.

Kuza sighed as he watched Devin stare quietly at the wall. "Devin, I know you didn't come here expecting that, so that being said: are you alright? Like, did he hurt you?" Kuza asked. Devin was taken back by his sudden concern.

"No, I think I'll be fine," Devin shrugged.

Kuza picked Devin up, carefully taking him downstairs. Devin smiled lightly as Kuza wrapped them in a fuzzy blanket on the couch. Curling into Kuza's warmth, Devin closed his eyes to get some rest.

"G'night Dev," Kuza muttered, kissing Devin's temple.

* * *

Devin woke up in Kuza's arms, in the position he had fallen asleep in. Stirring slightly, he winced as the pain hit him. A shiver when up Devin's spine as Kuza's breathe rolled down his neck.

He didn't fully trust the demon, yet he had reason to now. Kuza showed how much he cared about Devin, even if he didn't realize it. Devin felt terrible.

Terrible for all the tears he shed.

Terrible for living his life a lie.

Terrible for spending years with self hatred.

Devin felt lost, even with Kuza's comfort.

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