Cat's Eyes

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Chris woke up with Ricky and Dexter beside him. He froze for a second, staring at the ominous pair of red eyes that stared right back at him.

"Staring isn't nice, have you never been taught manners?" Kuza chuckled.

"Why are your eyes glowing?" Chris asked groggily.

"They reflect like a cat's. That's all I know," he shrugged and sat beside Chris.

"Why are you up?" Chris asked.

"I don't need sleep. Why are you up? Its past twelve, get some sleep," Kuza sighed.

"Sleep with me?" Chris gave Kuza hopeful eyes. Kuza laid down, making sure to not wake Dexter and Ricky.

"Now get some sleep," Kuza kissed Chris' forehead.

A/n: Sorry this is so short. I've been busy with some other books and school.


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