Blue Orbs

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Chris left the house, quickly making his way to his own. He grabbed some cleaning stuff and the clothes he thought would fit the small male the best. Chris being a six foot giant that didn't have much small clothing, he could manage to find some.

He chose a hoodie, black jeans, boxers and socks and shoes, even though he had no idea what size the other male could fit in. Grabbing two duffel bags, Chris stuffed them with two blankets, pillows, a deflated air mattress and a pump for it. He also grabbed some more clothes, CDs, a CD player and his laptop.


Chris arrived in the house, seeing that his new friend was how he had left him. The smaller male smiled seeing that Chris had kept his promise of coming back.

"You know what?" Chris said as he grabbed some clothing and stuff to clean the smaller male.

"Wh-at?" He asked.

"I think I might call you Ricky," Chris didn't know why, but he felt like it fit.

"Y-Ye-ah," Ricky smiled softly.


After successfully (and awkwardly) cleaning Ricky and getting him into fresh clothes, Chris smiled as he watched Ricky nibble on the end of his hoodie.

"How can you be so easily occupied?" Chris hummed, sitting next to Ricky.

"'Dunno," Ricky shrugged, then nibbling on the hoodie string. Chris easily pulled Ricky close to him, blushing when Ricky wrapped his arms around his torso.

"The guys will love you," Chris looked down at the small male who clung to him. Ricky looked up, eyes wide.

"W-Wh-o?" Ricky asked.

"You'll meet them eventually," Chris looked into little Ricky's blue orbs.

"Are t-they n-nice?" Ricky continued to look up at the taller male.

"Of course they are," Chris smiled softly.


"Hello?" Angelo answered his phone. Vinny and Ghost looked over at him as he stood.

"Uh - yeah, Chris is here," Angelo cringed as he lied to Chris' father.

"He's busy," Ghost and Vinny exchanged looks.

"Yeah, bye," Angelo looked over at his friends. Once he hung up, he was met with his confused friends.

"What happened this time?" Asked Ghost.

"Do we need to burry anyone?" Vinny asked excitedly.

"No, we don't need to burry anyone!" Angelo scolded Vinny by throwing a pillow at him.

"Chris' dad hasn't seen him since this morning," Angelo informed them.

"How much do you bet he's still at that house?" Ghost asked.

"I don't need to bet anything," Angelo sighed.

"I know he's there," he added.

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