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Chris walked up the stairs of the old house, Devin close behind.

"Chris, it's cold and dark. Maybe we shouldn't be here?" Devin rubbed his arms to warm them up. Chris pulled off his hoodie, handing it to Devin, who great fully put it on.

"...Thank you..." Devin said quietly, Chris nodded and keeping him close for extra heat. Staying close to Chris, Devin followed the tall male as he walked up the steps. Entering the red door, Chris covered Devin's nose for him.

"Oh my fucking God! Chris that better not be real!" Devin was pushed inside the room, beside the corpse.

"Oh trust me, it's real!" Chris reassured him.

"How can I be so sure about that? For all I know, you could've set this up!" Chris rolled his eyes, grabbing Devin's hand to force him to touch the corpse.

"Ew, ew, ew!" Devin cringed badly, slightly shaking. Chris released his hand, pulling him into a hug.

"P-Please tell me you aren't planning to do anything with the body..." Devin shook in Chris' arms, gently being soothed by a kiss on the head.

"Actually, I kinda wanna bring him back," Chris stared at the pale, chopped up corpse in front of him. Raven black hair framed his pale face, freezing cold piercings on his pale, thin lips. He looked so peaceful, in a creepy way. Chris wanted to see what he would've been like alive, he could use a friend.

"Whatever, if something goes wrong, I'm leaving for Vinny and never going to hear a word about your failure! I want out of here!" Devin pulled away, leaving the room.

"Um... Okay, bye!" Chris called.

"Goodbye!" Devin slammed the old door shut, making it rattle.

Chris stared down at the body in front of him. He needed to make a trip to see Ryan-Ashley.

"He took my hoodie."

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