Kill The Cat.

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"Man, I don't trust this cat," Nick muttered as he and Chris claimed the attic stairs. Dexter sat at the top, watching them struggle to not fall down the steep steps.

"Just trust him, he follows Ricky around like a lost puppy," Chris replied. He knelt down and scratched Dexter's chin once at the top.

"Whatever, but if he gets us killed, I'm killing him," Nick glared at the cat. Dexter narrowed his slitted eyes, growling at Nick.

Chris and Nick followed Dexter through the creaky and decrepit crawl-like-space they called the attic. Both of the boys used their weight to push the window - which led outside - open. Nick stumbled forward, glad that he had Chris to keep him from falling out the old window.

Fresh air hit their faces as the hot attic air released into the sky. "Ricky?" Chris carefully stepped onto the roof, helping Nick out. Dexter made a quick round about of the roof, heading back inside.

"Oh come on - we just got up here! How can he move so fast?" Nick and Chris followed the cat once more.

"Now where is he?" Chris groaned. Dexter meowed promisingly.

The two boys followed the cat far from the house, concerning them. "Please take us to Ricky?" Nick sighed for the one millionth time today. Dexter came to a T in the road, taking a seat on a bench. Chris and Nick happily sat down, stroking the cat's fur as they regained energy and the pain in their legs subsided.


"Do you know where we're going?" Nick asked Chris. Chris simply shook his head as he moved a branch out of the way, letting Nick past first. Dexter came to a stop, near the edge of the forest.

"What now, Dex?" Chris knelt down beside the cat. Dexter looked at him, suddenly jumping. He meowed, growling slightly as if telling them something. The feline claimed a nearby tree, looking back to see if the we're following.

That's when they noticed the hut with smoke coming from the chimney. The two boys sat in the tree, staring at the seemly comfortable house. It sat in a clearing, which didn't look too promising. There was a dog door in the wooden door, two gray stained glass window on each side of the door. Red splattered black curtains were closed tightly behind the seemingly new windows.

A black wolf came out of the hut, sniffing the ground. There was a blue rope around it's neck, indicating a collar. He sniffed around, finally showing his instincts when a deer frolicked into the opening, unaware of the wolf's presence.

Slowly and carefully making his way through the tall grass, the wolf closed in on the tan four-legged creature. The door of the hut burst open, a pale female in all black exiting while leaving the door open. She looked extremely like Ashley, but Chris and Nick didn't assume anything.

She put her fingers between her lips - which had neat black lipstick on them - whistling harshly. The wolf jerked up out of the grass, causing the deer to bolt as the wolf bounded into the hut. She closed the door tight, disappearing into the hut.

Dexter climbed down the tree with Chris and Nick following. The three ran from the forest, all questioning their selves mentally of what they saw.

Of course, Dexter knew it was there. All he didn't know is why Ricky's scent led straight to it, and when had there be a wolf. Dexter knew it was Ashley, as obvious as it had been.

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