The First Snow

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A/n: This chapter is one of Chris' first memories with Dexter.


"I've always enjoyed the sound of death," Ryan chuckled, "It always made me feel at home, ya know?"

No. Chris didn't know. Why were they on Spider Hill? What did Ryan mean? Maybe someone would come and snap Ryan out of the trance he put himself in. He had killed, that's all Chris knew.

"No, Ryan. I don't know," Chris sighed, "Can you describe it?"

Ryan ran a hand through his dark hair. "I can, but I'm not sure you'll understand. Not now, at least." Ryan made a cautious step toward the cliff side. Ryan made one of the faces he makes when he was unsure of something, taking another step closer.

"Ryan, why are we here? It's cold and I should get back to Dexter," a chill went down Chris' spine as the freezing air crept its way into his hoodie.

An instinct inside Chris told him to turn back and go home, while another one was urging him to follow Ryan. He couldn't choose between leaving his friend or staying. It simply couldn't be done.

What if Ryan fell and Chris wasn't there to prevent him from falling to his death? What if they both simply went home and didn't talk about this?

"Ryan, let's go, its getting cold," Chris' breath burst into the winter air. Ryan turned to Chris, nodding as he took one last look at the cliff side.

It was more silent than Silent Hill, and that was a fact. Instead of ashes falling from the sky, it was snow. The white droplets sent chills down Chris' spine as they landed upon his pale face. If he stayed here long enough, he might freeze.

Strong gusts of wind drew in snow from the north. The snow was light enough - and the ground warm enough - that the sidewalks were still walkable and the grass seemed as if it had only been a frost. The green wisps of grass had began to turn white as Chris stepped onto his porch.

Dexter waited at the window impatiently, for he was not accustomed to being left alone on winter days. This was his first winter with Chris and his family, so he didn't want to be cold. Chris had always made sure his bed had enough room for Dexter to huddle up next to him while he slept.

Chris opened the door, taking his shoes off as to not track snow through the house. Locking the door behind him, Chris picked up Dexter and carried him to his room. Curling up beside Chris, Dexter's warm breath hit Chris' chest as the two fell asleep. The heater kicked on, slowly warming Chris' room up.

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