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Chris walked home, saying a goodbye to the corpse on the table. It was weird, but Chris would definitely be seeing him again.

Making his way home, Chris quietly opened the door, closing and locking it.

"Christopher Cerulli, you do realize it's midnight, right?" His mom made him jump half out of his skin.

"Y-Yeah..." He stared at his feet.

"Go and see your brother, he had a nightmare again and wants you to sleep with him tonight," Chris' mom left the room, going to her own. Looking to the top of the staircase, Kuza stood against the wall, thumb in his mouth, and his dark purple blanket in hand.

Chris picked him up, going to his brother's room. Kuza snuggled close to his big, and only brother, great ful that he was lucky to have such a kind sibling.

"G'night Mike," Chris kissed his forehead, holding him close under Kuza's comforter.

"Goodnight Chrissy," Kuza buried his face in the crook of Chris' face, staying as warm as he could.

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