Vinny Loves The Moon

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A/N: I had to add in some Cyan, I'm sorry >~<


Angelo pulled out the needle and thread, looking over at Chris for directions.

"Whoever wants to sew, just start. If you don't want to, explore the house," Chris said. He started sewing the right arm back to the shoulder. The body was cut off in limbs, it's legs and arms off from it's torso. The arms were cut at the elbows and hands, the legs at the knees and ankles. Angelo began stitching the feet back to the legs.


Chris, Vinny, Angelo, Josh and Michael had successfully sewn all the body parts back together before it got too dark.

"I can make sure some you guys get home safe," Vinny suggested.

"That would probably be good, seeming as you run like a track star," Nikki joked.

"I'm good, I can walk by myself," Ryan gathered his stuff, looking at the others.

"At least walk with Chris?" Ashley asked. Ryan looked at his feet, then at Ashley and nodded.

"I know this might be creepy," Angelo interjected "but I know where all of you guys live,"

"Oh, so you stalk us?" Ghost rolled his eyes playfully. Angelo shook his head, smiling softly to Ghost.

"So what do you do all day?" Josh asked.

"I sleep after I finish my work, duh!" Angelo smiled his cute smile that always made his friends melt. Vinny looked over at Ryan, who seemed a bit off.

"Whats wrong dude?" Vinny whispered, to not draw attention.

"I'll tell you later, I promise," Ryan muttered.


{Chris, Ryan}

"Why don't you talk that much?" Chris asked Ryan as they walked. He simply shrugged, avoiding eye contact with Chris.

"Come on, you can tell me," Chris sent a concerned look in Ryan's direction.

"I just don't like my voice," Ryan muttered.

"Well, I like your voice. You should use it more," Chris reassured him.

"Thanks, I'll try," Ryan smiled.

Ryan and Chris lived across from each other, so there wasn't really a distance between them. Chris just didn't understand why he had never seen Ryan anywhere but school. Ryan had seen Chris though, but he was sure he didn't want to tell him.

"Bye," Ryan muttered. Turning to leave, Ryan was tugged back. Chris had their fingers intertwined tight, as he looked Ryan over. Without thinking, Chris connected his lips with Ryan's, kissing him passionately.

Pulling away, Chris looked at Ryan, who was a hot mess. Hugging him briefly, Chris released Ryan.

"Bye Ryan," Chris turned away, crossing the street. The other boy jogged over to his house, quickly closing the door behind him. Chris froze, seeing Vinny leaning against his house.

"How long where you standing there?" Chris asked.

"No one can fake that much passion, Chris," Vinny informed him.

"You're dead," Chris growled. Vinny stuck his tongue out tauntingly.

"Come get me," Vinny ran from Chris, giggling. Chris tackled Vinny, who couldn't seem to keep a straight face.

"What's so funny?" Chris growled.

"Most of the guys like you. Now I see why," Vinny held in his laughs.

"What?" Chris narrowed his eyebrows.

"I honestly have no idea what they all see in you. You don't even seem like you're gay," Vinny chuckled. Chris got to his feet, pulling Vinny with him.

"Shouldn't you be home?" Chris sighed.

"No, I stay up until midnight," Vinny shrugged.

"What's at midnight?" Chris asked.

"Tonight, it's a full moon, and I wanna see it," Vinny looked at the sky. Chris chuckled, ruffling Vinny's dark brown hair.

"Of course you do," Chris hugged Vinny, then leaving to his house.

"Hey, that was our first hug, so it's special!" Vinny called after him. Chris turned around, running to Vinny and picking him up. Vinny yelped, wrapping his limbs tight around his taller friend.

"How about this?" Chris joked. Vinny wiggled out of Chris' grip, looking up at him. The smaller male's eyes glittered as he gazed at the sky.

"Come on, I wanna show you something!" Vinny grabbed Chris' hand, leading him to Spider Hill.

"Why are we here? Isn't this a cemetery?" Chris asked.

"I think, but come on," Vinny helped Chris onto the mausoleum. They gazed at the moon together, Vinny smiling when he saw how emersed Chris was in watching the sky.

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