Ricky Is Tired

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Ricky had warmed up to Ghost, Vinny and Angelo. He of course wasn't as comfortable with them as he was with Ashley and Chris.

He watched as a fly flew around him as the others played Uno™. It finally landed on his knee, in which he desperately snacked it. Its guts smeared on his jeans as he wiped away the dead insect.

Ricky picked up Chris' soda can with his over sized hoodie sleeves over his small hands as he took a sip. It tasted funny, but he was thirsty. So he naturally didn't care.

Chris had made sure that anything Ricky drank was caffeine free, seeming as Ghost had given him a Rockstar and Ricky had chugged it. Ricky had only given Chris an innocent smile, even though Chris seemed upset that he drank a whole energy drink in less than ten seconds.

Setting Chris' soda back down, he leaned against Chris using him as a pillow. Chris put his arm around the smaller male, as well as a fluffy black blanket.

"Do you guys think your parents would let you stay here for the night?" Chris asked as he sat down a red three.

"If our parents found out that we directly stayed in this rotting house, they would all kill us," Chris sent Angelo a glare as Ricky uncomfortably looked at his feet.

"Ryan could cover for us. He always has," Ashley pointed out.

"But if I spend the night with you guys Josh would want to come and he'd want to bring the other million of our friends," Vinny stated. Ricky gave Vinny a confused look as he contemplated if Vinny was being serious about them having one million friends.

"Well I could tell him to only bring one person," Chris shrugged. Everyone stared at Chris - except Ricky who had laid down to use Chris' lap as a pillow.

"We know how Josh is, he can't pick just one," Angelo muttered.

"Just make him pick so I can sleep in peace!" Everyone jumped when Ricky spoke. They all looked at the cute demon as he glared angrily at them, some of his hair covering his face. Poor Ricky didn't stutter once.

"You scare me sometimes," Ghost muttered as Vinny pulled out his phone to text Josh and inform Ryan that if one of their parents called, they were with him.

"Wait, what about Mike?" Vinny blurted out as he sent his last text.

"Awe, Chris can you go home and get him? I haven't seen the little guy in a while," Ashley said.

"I guess I can, of he isn't already asleep." Chris gently moved Ricky's head and put a pillow under it. Kissing Ricky's forehead Chris stood and told his friends he would be back soon before leaving.

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