Wolf Boy Acts Like A Dog

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"Hey Josh?" Vinny kneeled down in their backyard. Josh picked up the rubber ball they had been throwing.

"Whats up?" Josh tossed the ball. Vinny ran after it, returning it to his brother.

"Why is Ricky on Chris' roof?" Vinny held the ball in his mouth, staring in the direction of Chris' house.

"Who knows?" Angelo sighed, staring down at the dog who tried to get him from the other yard.

"Shouldn't you be in the graveyard or something?" Josh asked.

"The old man is on his shift. I can't get in until his shift is over," Angelo peered at his friends from his porch on the corner of Josh and Vinny's fence. If Angelo didn't know better, he would've kicked the annoying dog away from him.

Josh sighed, throwing the ball for Vinny to retrieve it. "Don't you at least want to make sure he's okay?" Josh asked.

Vinny spit the ball out at Josh's feet. "Nope, I think he'll be fine," Vinny waited for Josh to throw the rubber ball.

"Why did my brother just-so-happen to be a werewolf?" Josh muttered to himself.

"Hey, I can hear you," Vinny narrowed his eyes as Josh picked up the and threw it over the fence.

Vinny growled, sighing. "I'm not getting the ball," Vinny stated fatly, taking a seat below the tree and watching the fish in the pond swim to-and-throw.

"Why not?" Josh asked, "Are you too chicken to get it on your own?"

"No!" Vinny seethed, "I just really hate the neighbor's dog."

Angelo sighed, jumping over the fence. The red ball was suddenly thrown over the fence, making Vinny run to catch it. Jumping back onto his perch, Angelo stared at the neighbor dog in silence.

"Thanks Ange!" Vinny smiled as he nibbled on the ball, growling when Josh tried to take it away. Josh snatched the ball away, holding it high in the air as Vinny tried to jump up and grab it.


How's life knowing that Vinny is a werewolf? I promise that this chapter will actually mean something later on. I'm going to use a website for the gargoyle name I'm giving Ange as well as a phoenix name for an OC (who is actually a cat).


(They have over 10k names in all for Mystical names, places, real names, etc.)

🕸 Have a nice day and stay sassy 🕸

~ Deviless

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