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Trying the handle, it didn't budge. Putting two and two together, Chris pulled the skeleton key out of his pocket, gently inserting it into the hole. Turning it to the left as careful as possible, the door unlocked and Chris pushed it open.

The door squeaked open, Chris quickly regretting his decision. On a metal surgical table in the center of the room, was a boy that couldn't have been much younger than Chris, with his limbs cut off. Chris' eyes watered as the scent of a dead corpse filled the air; he slammed the door shut, breathing heavily.


Chris had ran the rest of the way home, completely forgetting the fact that he had the skeleton key in his jacket. Pushing the door open, he slammed it shut.

"Chrissy!" Kuza jumped onto him, cheering. He stared at his shock driven brother.

"Chrissy, what's wrong?" Chris held Kuza panting, as he pet his brother's hair.

"Um - I-Its nothing!" Chris lied. Devin rolled his eyes, taking Kuza from his brother.

"But Dev! I wanna stay with Chrissy!" Kuza whined, trying to escape the feminine male's grip.

"No, you need to go to bed!" Devin carried Kuza to his room, quickly calming him down.

Going downstairs, Devin cuddled with Chris, who was laying on the couch. His breathing had slowed down, and he was doing fine.

"Chris, something's wrong, what happened," Devin wrapped his arms around Chris.

"Nothing, I promise!" Chris lied once more.

"I can see through your lies, Christopher!" Devin glared at him.

"One, don't call me that! And two, I didn't see anything!" Chris stared at the TV.

"Chris..." Devin sighed.

"Okay, maybe I did see something... Where's Josh anyways?" Chris looked at Devin.

"He went to go help his mom with something," Devin shrugged. Chris pushed himself off the couch, stretching.

"Mike is in bed, right?" Devin nodded as Chris went up the stairs.

"You don't trust my judgement?" Devin asked, dramatically.

"Maybe..." Chris hummed. He pushed his brother's door open, entering the dark room.

"Hm?" Kuza looked over his shoulder, at his older brother.

"Hey buddy," Chris hugged him.

"Hey," Kuza yawned, leaning into Chris' grasp.

"I have to take Devin somewhere, if you need anything, yell for mom," Kuza nodded tiredly, as Chris tucked him in. The young boy fell back asleep before Chris and Devin could leave the room.

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