Spooked By Spooks Himself

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Angelo and Chris entered The Strange And Unusual, hoping to find something to help them with their spell. Luckily, Ryan Ashley had a blue butterfly's wing, which she happily handed to the two males.

"What're you two planning?" Josh asked. His little dog yapped, sniffing Angelo's ankles. The tiny creature tugged on his jeans, growling when Angelo held his leg about a foot off the ground. Holding on for dear life, the tiny dog locked her jaw on Angelo's pant leg.

"She won't let go..." Angelo said, glaring at his friends when they didn't seem to hear him. After all, Angelo spoke quietly especially with his hood drawn over his face. Josh took his dog off of Angelo's leg, ruffling her dark fur.

"I'm trying to do something, and Ange is helping me," Chris.

"What type of thing?" Ryan Ashley's eyes glittered with curiosity.

"Chris wants to bring someone back from the dead," Angelo was staring at a animal corpse, which seemed to be a coyote of some sort.

"Was he a crush? Was he cute? Or are you just going to be that weird person who likes dead people?" Josh asked.

"Ignore him, he's stubborn. Do you need anything else?" Ryan Ashley said.

"Do you have blood from a black cat?" Chris mentally wished he hadn't asked his friend that.

"Vinny has a black cat," Josh answered. In the blink of an eye, Vinny was beside them.

"You are not touching my cat!" Vinny protested. Angelo crouched down, petting Vinny's cat who was at his feet.

"Spooks will be fine!" Josh sighed dramatically. Angelo picked the so-called cat Spooks, up. He sat him on the counter, admiring his eyes as he stroked the cat's black fur.

"How come he has red eyes?" Angelo asked.

"He was born with them, I guess," Vinny shrugged.

"Is his name actually Spooks?" Chris asked.

"No, we just call him that, because he scared our mom when he first found a hiding spot in our house," Vinny smiled to the cat, who jumped onto his shoulder.

"And where was that?" Chris mused.

"In her closet," Vinny giggled slightly.

"Anyways, Chris and Ange need his blood. Can we have it?" Josh interputed.

"What!" Vinny screeched, scaring his cat.

"We only need some," Chris shrugged.

"Vinny, they'll only prick the skin, I promise," Ryan Ashley reassured him.

"I-I guess if you guys really need it..." Vinny looked at his cat, who gave him a mad look.

"Yeah, we need to bring a body back to life," Angelo informed him. Vinny's eyes widened.

"Don't worry, he's small like you," Angelo gave Chris a peculiar look.

"That's the supposed to mean!" Vinny growled.

"Vinny, you're short," Josh stated flatly.

"Man, life is too short to be waisting all your time. Just give us the blood," Angelo sighed.

"Alright, whatever," Vinny sighed. They all held Spooks down while Ryan Ashley gently plucked at the cat's skin. A drop of blood dripped from his skin, Angelo put it in a valve and screwed it tight, putting it in his pocket.

"Thanks man," Chris hugged the smaller male tight.

"N-No pro-blem. J-Just let g-go ple-ase!" Chris blushed and let Vinny out of his bone crushing grip. Vinny sucked in a breath, taking his cat with him somewhere in the back.

"Guys, I have a costumer coming soon, you can hangout until then if you'd like," Ryan Ashley looked down at a book, with written times, names and dates.

"It's okay, we have to go anyways," Chris and Angelo each gave Ryan Ashley and Josh a hug before heading back to Chris' house.


Two updates in a day, you guys are lucky. Did anyone see the tiny I See Stars reference?

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