The Barn

113 16 2

"Vinchenzo!" Ghost screeched as he opened the barn door.

"What? - Ricky's scent leads right here!" Vinny protested. Dexter and Lucky confirmed this, by running into the barn.

The group of friends crept into the barn, glancing around. "He isn't here," Ryan sighed, "Even the dead in him isn't strong,"

"So he was here?"

"Or he could be, but we've been looking for almost two hours,"

"True," Dani nodded.

"What're the chances of us finding him?" Chris asked.

"Well, he came home on his own the last time, didn't he?" Angelo asked.

Chris nodded. "Then he should just come back on his own this time," Angelo confirmed.

"What if he runs off again?" Ashley asked.

"Just get Matt to replace him," Josh shrugged.

"I'm not going to replace anyone!" Matt growled

"He can't be replaced, you morons. No one can,"

- - -

Any predictions?

I'll actually try to make the next one longer.


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