English Project

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"Hey Ryan?" Chris sat down at the lunch table. Josh and Ryan Ashley sat next to him. Ghost happily held Vinny's hand as he made his way to the table. Everyone was staring at the scene.

Sure, everyone knew Ghost was anything but straight, but they never expected him to have the guts to be pulling tiny Vinny around. Vinny was Josh's younger brother, and the whole school witnessed what would happen if you messed with the smaller teen. If Ghost made one wrong move, it might just be the end of him.

"Fine, I'll work on the English project, but this is the last time! You need to actually start working on it, soon." Ryan puffed out a sigh.

"I know, I've just been busy after school..." Chris sighed. "But thank you."

"What exactly have you been doing?" Ryan smirked, wanting an actual answer.

"He's been seeing Angelo," Ghost couldn't help but giggle slightly. Vinny awkwardly sat beside Ghost, still hiding his face from when Ghost had embarrassed him by pulling him around, hand in hand.

"Angelo." Ryan muttered.

"Yeah, that's what he just said," Ryan Ashley narrowed her eyebrows.

"Guys, look," Ryan stared behind them.

Chris leaped over the table, running to him. Everyone was stunned by seeing Angelo, let alone seeing him in school.

"Oh my god!" Chris wrapped Angelo in a tight hug. Angelo winced, groaning slightly.

"You've never given me this much affection," Angelo chuckled dryly.

"Ange, what's wrong?" Ghost examined Angelo for wounds. Everyone took turns hugging Angelo, Vinny squeezed him, but it didn't feel like a squeeze to Angelo.

"Nothings wrong, I just need you guys to come with me," Angelo looked to Chris.

"Why?" Ryan asked.

"Can you guys sew?" They nodded.

"Right - that step..." Chris exhaled deeply.

"Alright, let's go," Angelo nodded and they all split up to their lockers. Chris was on his way back to meet up with the guys, when he noticed Angelo staring out the window.

"Come on Ange," Chris put his arm around Angelo's shoulder, taking him to the library. Ashley and Maria were gathering the scariest books they could find, and checking them out before stuffing them into their backpacks. Ryan Ashley and one of Ashley's friends were helping them to make work go faster.

"Thanks Mike, we gotta go," Ashley hugged him bye. He looked insanely like Chris, which Chris noticed when he looked at him and Angelo as he walked past.

"Michael!" A teacher yelled. His eyes widened, and he bolted from the room, taking a sharp turn right.

"Who was he?" Angelo asked.

"Oh, that was Mike," Ashley picked up her bag, the other two girls doing the same.

"So, how exactly are we going to get out of school?" Asked Maria.

"Ashley, my spooky friend, please go find the boys," Chris instructed, as kind as he could manage without talking with a fake lisp. Ashley nodded, blushing the slightest bit she went to go fetch the others. Chris waited with Angelo, Ryan Ashley and Maria outside the bathrooms, while Ashley returned with the others.

"Alright, so what's the plan?" Ghost gulped lightly, unsure of how his tall friend would answer. Ryan and Josh exchanged looks.

"We're going to climb out the bathroom windows," Chris answered.

"What about the girls and Ghost?" Angelo asked.

"Yeah, don't forget about us!" Chris sighed.

"Ghost may be feminine, but he can climb through a window without breaking a heel or nail!" Chris pointed out.

"Besides, I've seen Ashley climb out a window or two before," Chris added.

"I'm not climbing out a window!" Ghost glared at Chris.

"Fine, I'll help you get out the window! And I'm guessing I'm also forced to help the girls down, too," the other boy's nodded in unison.

Chris was the first one out the windows, landing on his feet with a grunt. He was luckily small enough to fit through the window, yet got the most complaining from the other boys to hurry up. After getting the girls out, so they were standing with him, Chris waited.

"Who's up first?" Chris asked.

"Vinny!" They all voted.

"G-Guys, I-I don't know about this!" Vinny whimpered.

"Just go, you wimp!" Ryan pushed Vinny, who screamed in return. Chris caught the small teen, who was trembling in his arms.

"Ryan, you fucking asshole!" Ashley scolded Ryan for scaring poor Vinny, as well as pushing him out a window.

"Josh, you're up! Ange goes next!" Chris informed them. Josh almost fell, Angelo not needing any help at all.

"I swear you're a ninja," Vinny looked at Angelo, who shrugged in response. Ghost was next, which meant there had to be the most amount of complaining out of all of them. Once they were all out of the window with their belongings, they turned around to leave.

"Where do you think you're going?"

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