The First Snow Pt. 2

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A/n: The italics for this chapter is a memory. Normal text is current time.

"Whats with you and killing?" Chris asked Ryan. Michael, Ghost, Zeal, Angelo and Ashley glanced at each other.

"I never said I killed, or like killing. All I said was I simply love the sound of death," Ryan said, easing the other's nerves slightly as they walked.

Chris frowned, not believing Ryan's words. "Right," Chris muttered.

* * *

{Somewhere in Pennsylvania}

"Are you sure this is the place?" Asked the first.

"Positive, why else would we have drove three hours from base just to end up at some abandoned warehouse?" The second glanced at the GPS on his phone.

"Alright, let's get in and out. There's high security in this place, so don't take your hood off," The first used their crowbar to pry the door open, careful to not sound the alarm.

The two squeezed through the metal door, glad that they would never have to do this again. Growling came from a corner, a thick chain indicating there was a guard dog present. The first walked over calmly, nudging the chain with their foot.

The black dog leaped at the first, foaming at the mouth as the small human stepped out of his way. "Easy Fido, I don't mean any harm," the first kneeled down, offering a gloved hand for the dog to sniff.

"What did you say before we broke in? Oh yeah, it was we had to get in and out of this place before we-" the first drew back his hand as someone clapped slowly, chucking maniacally. They slowly drew their guns out, the first still standing near the black dog.

"Well, you two better have good reason to be here. If not, Spike there is going to deal with you for me," the figure mused.

The first rolled his eyes, putting away his gun as he saw no threat. "Spike? - that's what you call her? For heaven's sake I would've called the poor dog Lucky," the first scoffed.

"Let's get out of here," the second hissed to his partner.

"Lucky? And why is that?" He asked.

"Because you're damn lucky if you live," the first drew out his gun, and just like that the figure was on the ground bleeding out.

The first walked up the staircase, stepping over the man he just shot. "I hope you don't mind, but I'm taking the dog with me," the first grabbed the briefcase they were looking for, tossing it to the second.

"You're bringing the dog? Oh hell no, go put that thing back!" The second growled.

"But look at her, she's a sweetie. Besides, she's hungry and thirsty, too. We can't just leave her!" The first held up the big black dog, thankful that she was whimpering as if telling them 'Take me home.'

The second rolled his eyes, sighing in defeat. "Fine we can bring her; But if The Boss asks why we stole a dog, you're going to explain it to him, not me!" The first smiled brightly, holding the dog against their chest.

The second carried the brief case as they ran back to their black car, as the first happily carried the dog.

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