Vinny Has A Drill With Him 24/7

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"Alright, all we need to do is get a power source, some cables, a drill and bolts," Angelo examined pictures from the black book, comparing them to the ones in the purple book. Vinny pulled a wireless drill out of his bag, handing it to Angelo. Josh looked at his brother, eyes wide and mouth agape.

"Since when did you carry a wireless drill?" Josh asked his younger sibling.

"I have a lot of things," Vinny shrugged.

"Of course you do," Ghost sighed.

"I'm going to go get the other stuff from my dad's garage, I'll be back soon," Chris said. Mike made grabby hands at his older brother, happy when Chris picked him up.


"Hey Dad?" Chris knocked on the door frame of the garage door. He examined the room, seeing multiple car batteries, jumper cables and big thick bolts in piles.

"Yeah?" Chris' dad pushed out from under the black car he was working on. It was a nice car, but Chris didn't bother tying to find out the model and whatnot.

"Can I borrow - I mean use - some car stuff?" Chris asked anxiously.

"Anything you need, I'm not even going to bother questioning you," With that, Chris' dad slid back under the car, continuing to work. Passing by his brother, Chris put his finger to his lips. Mike did the same, smiling to his brother.

"I'll get you ice cream later," Chris mouthed to his brother. Mike beamed happily, nodding to his brother as their mom gave Chris a peculiar look. Grabbing two bolts, two jumper cables and one of the best car batteries he could find, Chris put them in his bag and went back to the house.

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