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The battery hummed to life, the solution around the bolts warming. Chris frowned, realizing nothing might actually happen. Just as he was about to turn the battery off in failure, Chris saw the corpse's finger twitch from the corner of his eye. Thinking it was a hallucination, Chris put his finger on the switch.

An eerie feeling fell over the room, making Chris stand straight up. Looking at the corpse, he jumped as the eyelids suddenly opened, reveling soft blue eyes. Once it - he to be exact - saw Chris, he jolted into a sitting position. With knees to his chest he scooted towards the edge of the metal table, away from Chris.

Taking a step forward out of curiosity, Chris jumped when he fell off the edge of the table. Cautiously walking over to the other side of the table, Chris frowned seeing the distressed and terrified boy.

"Hey, I won't hurt you," Chris reassured him. He truly did feel bad for scaring him so much. The boy cautiously got closer to Chris, allowing him to pick him up and sit him on the metal table. Gazing into the small male's blue orbs, Chris smiled at the adorable confused look on the other's face.

"I'm Chris," Chris brushed the boy's raven black hair out of his face, reveling his white porcelain skin.

"C-Ch-ri-s," the boy repeated quietly. Chris smiled once more.

"Are you okay?" This was a terrible question, but Chris thought it wouldn't hurt to ask.

"Y-Ye-s," he replied quietly. Chris continued to gaze into the smaller boy's eyes, until he thought of something.

"I need to go," Chris watched as distress filled his eyes. "It's okay, I'll be back soon,"

"Pr-om-ise?" He asked. Chris nodded, kissing his forehead.

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