Right Now (Final)

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The flame began eating the house like a zombie would a human. Ricky's face shed no emotion. Angelo looked around frantically. Vinny shrunk to the ground in tears.

Kuza was ready to die. Ashley held onto Vinny, hoping the fire wouldn't get them. Matt shook, falling beside Angelo in pathetic cries.

"Vinny, don't cry, please. You'll all be fine, I promise!" Josh choked through tears as he was held back by Ryan. Dani tried her best to remember a spell Ashley had taught her to put the fire out.

"Ricky!" Chris screamed over the loud crackling of the flames. Tears stung his eyes as Devin tried to get him away from the flames. Ricky and Kuza stepped closer to the flames behind them.

"Ready?" Kuza whispered to Ricky. Ricky looked up at the tall demon, nodding.

Angelo sulked as the flames grew closer to them. "Ryan, I love you," he said barely audible to Ryan's ears. The sound of death filled Ryan's ears, making the tears on his cheeks burn.

"I love you, too," Ryan wiped his tears away.

"Ryan, get them out of here!" Ashley yelled. Ryan nodded briefly, earning a sad smile from Angelo.

"I love you guys!" Everyone looked to Ryan, smiling sadly.

The beam above then creeked slowly giving way. Angelo stared up at it, mixed emotions showing as they all breathed in the smoke-filled air. Ryan shoved his friends out of the house, just as the second floor gave way.

Once on the lawn, Dani fell to her knees. Tears streamed down her porcelain skin, her hands on her face. Devin went over to comfort her, hugging her as his own tears stung his eyes.

"My hearts to blame," Chris sighed.

"Where do we go from here?" Ryan asked silently.

"It doesn't matter where, anyway," Josh said, "We're on our own. I guess there's just nothing left to say," Chris' heart stung as firemen finally came, ushering the friends to safety.

Ryan stared at the blacktop, thinking about what Angelo said. He didn't fear death, he instead feared leaving Ryan alone on Earth.

"Ryan Sitkowski?" Ryan looked up.

"Yep, that's me," he sighed, looking at the officer.

"We found something for you," she handed him a half-burnt paper. With that, she left to check on Devin.

"Ryan, I'll come back someday. Please forgive me, I still love you. I hope you feel the same" The paper read. It was Angelo's handwriting.

"I do still love you. Why'd you have to go this way?"

A/n: Well, thanks for staying around this long! I'm currently starting a CYAN book, and might do a twist off of this book (but Rylo cuz poor Ry). I'll be more active on working on my other books, as of now.

Have a good rest of your day!


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