Bring Me Home

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Angelo carefully drilled two holes in the corpse's neck, for the bolts to go in. Adding the solution to the bolts after they were in firmly, Vinny and Chris hooked on end of each jumper cables to the battery. Josh and Ghost attached the other end to the bolts, stepping back.

"What if something bad happens?" Vinny asked.

"If you guys are too worried, go home. We'll tell you how it goes when we're finished." Chris spoke softly. Josh's phone buzzed.

"My mom wants Vinny and I home anyways," Josh looked to Chris.

"I'm sorry, I'm not going to risk getting killed," Ghost said above a whisper. That left Angelo.

"Chris, I think you should do this. After all, you are the one who wanted to do this in the first place..." Angelo spoke quietly as all attention was put on him.

Chris sighed. "Alright, I'll do it..." He braced himself for being left alone with a corpse he was about to attempt to bring to life. Chris' friends left the room, heading downstairs and out of the house. Taking a deep breath, Chris turned the battery on.

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