Roses For My Love

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"What're you guys doing?" Chris' face turned pale.

"Nikki!" Ashley through herself at the one boy, hugging him extremely tight.

"Uh, we were just leaving," Josh stated quickly.

"And not bringing Micheal and I?" Asked Nikki. Ashley gasped.

"Chris! Can we bring them, please?" Chris stared at Ashley.

"Fine, but they better like dead things," Ghost's eyes widened.

"I'm not going back to that house, Christopher!" Ghost protested.

"Oh come on drama queen, yes you are, if you like it or not!" Angelo grabbed Ghost's hand, pulling him to Josh's van. Once everyone was all pilled into the van, Josh started driving. It was beyond packed, but Vinny didn't mind having to be squeezed between anyone.


Josh pulled into Angelo's driveway, which was across from the old house. Everyone helped each other from tripping over one another as Angelo gathered the things they needed.

"Angelo, why do you need vinegar and gunpowder?" His mother asked.

"Uh, the guys, girls and I are experimenting on something?" Angelo sighed when his mom let him gather the rest of the materials needed.

"Do we have everything?" Chris asked. Angelo froze briefly.

"Does anyone have a rose?" Asked a weary Angelo.

"My mom has a rose garden in the backyard," Vinny said.

"But we live a neighborhood away!" Josh protested. Vinny shrugged and jogged off the steps, going down the street.

"Please say he's fast," Angelo sighed.

"I've seen him run before," Josh pursed his lips.

"What do you mean?" Micheal asked.

"When we were younger, our mom took us to the zoo, and Vinny got in with the wolves." Josh said it like it was nothing.

"What the hell!" Everyone except Josh had the same expression.

"Anyways, he pissed one of the wolves off, and he out ran it and got out of the enclosure. But he wasn't fast enough at climbing and lost a shoe. Man, our mom was pissed beyond belief!" Josh chuckled dryly.

"How old was he?" Ryan asked.

"Six, probably seven," Josh smiled to see how shocked his friends were.


A couple minutes after the conversation ended, Vinny came back with a rose in hand. He was barely tired from running, which was too hard to believe. Chris led them upstairs, as everyone put on their paper masks that covered their noses and mouths.

Unlocking the red door, Chris pushed it open. Everyone gagged at the sight of the body on the metal table.

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