The Attic Door

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A/n: I promise that plot will pick up soon. I haven't been updating lately because I'm making yet another book. Its a Kuzaless book, because Chris and Kuza are cool. 👌


"Ricky what're you doing?" Chris stared at Ricky, who was perched on a bookshelf.

"Chrissy, I don't think he likes me," Mike stared up at his big brother.

"Hey Nick?" Chris called.

"Yeah?" Nick appeared at the top of the stairs.

"How long has he been up there?" Chris asked.

Nick thought for a moment. "About an hour before you went to pick Mike up. But hey, I swear I tried to get him down," Nick put his hands up in defeat.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Chris asked.

"Dude, you were at school, and the WiFi wasn't working so I couldn't text you," Nick shrugged.

"That's a lie. You were sleeping," Ricky muttered quietly. Nick shot a glare in Ricky's direction. In return, Ricky stuck his tongue out.

"Well we have to get him down before Mom gets home!" Chris sighed, shooing Mike away.

"What about mom?" Chris froze, nervously turning​ to his mother, who put the groceries on the counter.

"Oh, hey Mom! Have I ever told you how awesome you are?" Chris faked a overly bright smile, stepping in front of her. Nick cringed, taking Mike up to his room before he could say anything.

"Ricky won't get down," Mike blurted out.

"Why didn't you cover his mouth?" Chris hissed quietly Nick.

"Sorry," Nick mouthed back.

"What about Ricky?" Their mom asked.

"Shut up!" Nick hissed, "Oh, we just said how much he loves Ricky. Right Chris?"

"Huh? - oh yeah! He loves Ricky," Chris exaggerated.

"I didn't say-" Nick cut Mike off. He covered his brother's mouth, taking him upstairs.

"You're tired, you need to sleep. You can talk to Ricky later," Nick glanced at Chris, who was cringing.

"Where's Ricky anyways?" Their mom asked, looking around. Nick disappeared around the corner.

Chris glanced at the bookshelf, where Ricky was previously. "Oh, Ricky's somewhere around here. Man he needs to stop sneaking off," Chris turned to his mom.

"I'll go find him. Dexter, come here boy - take me to Ricky!" Chris yelled for the cat, running up the steps. Nick ran into Chris, making them both stumble back.

"What do you mean you don't know where he is?" Nick hissed.

"I don't! He must've snuck away while we were talking to Mom," Chris whispered, "Dexter, come here boy!"

The cat pushed the attic door opened, squeezing through. He meowed, trotting over and rubbing against their legs.

"Take us to Ricky," Nick kneeled down and scratched his head. Dexter trotted up the the attic door, waiting for the two to follow.

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