Blood Of A Black Cat

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Chris had just taken Kuza to school, and was currently heading to the library, next was The Strange And Unusual. There was sure to be some book about bringing a body back. If he needed supplies Ryan-Ashley would have it, knowing her.

Pushing the library door open, an old bell rattled a chime. Maria and Ashley were at the long desk, reading some sort of old book they found in the library's archive.

"Chris, long time no see, huh?" Ashley hopped down from the checkout desk, where she was reading. Maria looked up, then continued reading.

"Hey Ash," Chris hugged the shorter teen.

"Okay, you're either here to tease, or you're actually looking for a book," Ashley smirked at her tall friend.

"Actually, I am..." Chris rubbed his neck.

"Give me specifics," Ashley led Chris to a row of tall bookshelves.

"Something about magic, and stuff," Chris followed Ashley, as she pushed a ladder attached to the bookshelf, along with them. Ashley stopped the ladder and climbed up a bit.

"Please be careful," Chris stressed.

"Oh hush, I've been on this thing before," Ashley giggled as she ran her finger across book spines. She took two books off of separate shelves, one being black, the other was a soft purple. Chris graciously took the books from her, helping her down.

"You have one month until they're due, twenty bucks if they're late," Maria spoke.

"I thought it was a dollar!" Chris groaned.

"It is, Maria, stop playing games," Ashley hugged Chris before he left.


"So, what're we doing again?" Angelo asked.

"Trying to find something on bringing someone back from the dead..." Chris scanned through his page.

Angelo was homeschooled, but he would hangout with Chris every now and then. Chris decided that he would be the best candidate to help search for spells and such to bring a corpse back to life, seeming as he only had to do at least two hours of work, rather than eight hours at school.

Besides, Angelo had always been into dark stuff. Chris had heard that he was secretly a mythical creature that goes by the name of Gargoyle, but he was yet to see it. He also heard that Vinny was supposably a werewolf, and Ghost a witch.

"Found it," Angelo turned the black book to face Chris.

"One blue butterfly's wing, used in a solution with a half cup of vinegar, gunpowder, a rose pedal and a drop blood of a black cat..." Angelo looked at the time.

"I gotta go once it gets dark," Chris nodded as he mumbled the ingredients to himself. Angelo wrote the ingredients down on a scratch of paper, pushing it to Chris.

"Where are we going to find a black cat?" Chris asked.

"There's a black cat in the vet's office near the center of town, where my mom works," Angelo shrugged.

"Maybe we could get a sample of blood?" Chris suggested, hopeful his friend would agree.

"There's no way we're breaking in there, my mom will murder us both!" Angelo spoke, assertive yet quietly.

"Who said anything about breaking in?" Chris smirked.

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