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The group of friends went to school, avoiding each other and Chris inparticular. The bad part was that Chris had to work with Ryan for a project, and they weren't getting anywhere.

"Ryan, I know you're trying to avoid me, but cone on! We have a project due tomorrow and we can't finish it by working apart," Chris sighed. Ryan shrugged, glancing at Chris.

"Alright class, tomorrow Ryan and Chris are presenting first. You all be ready - if you aren't, you get an automatic zero," the teacher said as the bell rang. Ryan gathered his stuff, cleaning up a bit before leaving.

"I guess we'll take a zero," Chris muttered to himself.

* * *

Chris skipped lunch that day, seeming as his friends weren't in the mood to talk to him. Excluding Chris made Ghost feel bad, but he couldn't just be near Chris and not make it worse.

Chris currently sat against the school, tears threatening his eyes. He hated everything about himself; How he managed to keep his friends this long confused him. Chris didn't doubt that he would be by himself for the rest of his life.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Chris looked up. He didn't talk to Kyle that much, but he didn't mind his presence.

"Nothing, just the guys are being assholes," he shrugged. Kyle sat beside Chris, rolling his eyes.

"What?" Chris asked, "I know you don't care,"

"They're avoiding Matt and Josh, too. Maybe Nick?" Kyle shrugged.

"Why Matt and Josh? I personally think avoiding Josh would be hard, seeming as Vinny clings to him half the time," Chris said.

"Yeah, Vinny's miserable without him. Why they're avoiding Matt doesn't make sense to me, either. The poor kid rarely talks to them," Chris nodded in agreement.

"All I know is that it must make Dev feel terrible. How's he managing?" Chris said.

"He's worse than Vinny, that's for sure," Kyle sighed, "How's your project with Ryan going - terrible I presume?"

Chris nodded, "It's due tomorrow, and I'm sure he'd take a zero,"

Kyle turned his body towards Chris. He opened his mouth to talk, but stopped himself. Instead, he brought Chris in for an awkward hug.

* * *

Chris opened the front door, slamming it shut. His parents gave him worried looks, but he just ignored them. Mike stood on the steps, smiling brightly to his 'brother.'

"Don't give me that look," Chris growled. Heading to his room, Chris slammed the door shut.

Kuza contemplated apologizing, sighing in defeat. He went to his room, letting Chris cool off. Too much happened today for him to just try to explain things to Chris.

* * *

Chris was curled up under his covers when Kuza finally emerged his room. Scratching the back of his neck, he sat down beside Chris.

"What do you want?" Chris grumbled.

Kuza sighed. "I want to talk," he laid down so he was spooning the slighty taller male.

"About what?" Chris peeked over at him.

"About yesterday. I didn't think your friends would ignore you, Josh and Matt. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you about me being a demon," Kuza nuzzled his nose into Chris' hair.

"Its fine, just get some sleep," Chris muttered.

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