Zeal and Aavarth

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"You are absolutely pathetic," the three boys turned to look at the black cat, who was happily perched on a bird house in Josh and Vinny's yard.

"What? - I'm only being honest," the cat rolled her dark eyes. Swishing her tail she jumped down.

"What could you possibly want now, Zeal? Can't you see we're busy?" Josh held Vinny back, which proved quite difficult.

"Busy? - you're busy? I'm sorry, I couldn't tell - after all you and your pitiful little 'brother' were playing what the humans call 'fetch.' And how many times have I told you not to calk me Zeal? - that was my human name. Cats don't have names, they now who they are. Humans have names because they don't know who they are." The cat glared up at the human and his werewolf brother and gargoyle friend. Angelo quietly got down from the fence, standing above Zeal.

"Hello Aavarth," the cat grinned from ear-to-ear upon seeing Angelo.

"Since when did you call me Aavarth?" Angelo asked, "No one's called me that in years."

"Centuries, more like it," Zeal corrected, "I'm glad you're fitting in with a group of mortals."

"Wait, what does she mean?" Josh asked. Angelo winced, facing his friend.

"I'm a gargoyle-" Angelo began.

"I know that much. Just how old are you?" Jos asked.

"Well, he's been alive since 1687, so he's exactly three hundred thirty years old," Ashley slipped off of the fence, "Happy early birthday, Aavarth."

"Thank you, Ashley," Angelo blushed slightly. Ashley hugged him tight, turning to Vinny and Josh.

"You're old!" Vinny screeched.

Josh hit him up-side the head. "I'm not even a mythical creature and that hurt my ears," Josh glared at his brother. Vinny scratched the back of his neck, shrugging.

"Age doesn't matter to a gargoyle. Nor to a witch or any creature on this Earth that isn't a human. There shall be no apocalypse as long as the creatures keep their secrets to themselves and those of trust and truth. I fear your new friend may have sparked Christopher's transition, though," Zeal sighed, jumping into Ashley's shoulder.

"Wait, what about Chris and Ricky? What does anything have to do with them?" Josh asked.

Zeal glanced at Angelo and Ashley, grimacing when neither of them answered. "You see, Ricky is undead. He simply is dead nor alive. He is most certainly not a spirit. In our time, he would be considered a... witch..."

"Aavarth and Ashley were young. I couldn't contain my full form, yet I could still protect them. Aavarth was what you humans call the age of Five. Ashley was the age of Six. Christopher. Where do I even start with the young vampire?" Zeal closed her eyes.

"Chris is a vampire?" Vinny asked.

"Almost. He's peculiar, that's for sure," Angelo continued for Zeal, "Chris is what we call an Overseer. He is a much more difficult than any I have even met, of course - and I've met them all. The day Chris was born, he drew us to him. Even Devin couldn't help but think Chris had purity in him,"

"Sadly enough, he is a vampire. Who is of a Angel and Demon father. His mother is a Vampire, as well as a Ghoul. Everyone wants eternal life. No one seems to get it right. Chris has that life. He could've lived his life in Heaven, yet he created his own Hell the day he was born,"

"In other words, Chris might as well be the exact definition of the Anti-Christ. One day at a time, Vinchenzo. Joshua. Do not tell Christopher we told you this. For you see, his mother died upon birthing him, his father dissenting into Hell when he was nearly Two days of age," Angelo concluded.

"For the love of everything Evil and Pure, Chris has Christ in his name. He's a demon-vampire-angel-ghoul-thing!" Ashley sighed deeply.

"What about me?" Vinny asked..

"You are who you are, Vinny," Zeal spoke.

"No - I mean come on, look at me - I'm a werewolf, and my brother is a human! What are the chances Josh is actually my brother?" Vinny's eyes welled up at the thought.

"Vinny..." Angelo sighed.

"Vinny, don't you fucking say that! You're my brother," Josh's eyes welled up with tears. Angelo pulled Vinny in for a tight hug, muttering that it'd be okay.

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