Chapter 14

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      He turned on the radio, cranking it as Pierce The Veil's Wonderless came on and I sang along. Ashley joined me and we spent the next couple hours like that, ridding around enjoying the rush and singing before heading back to the bus.

    "Where are we?" I asked as Ash pulled up into what looked like a grocery store. "Stay here, I'll be right back. You'll see in a bit." I nodded and leaned against the bike waiting for Ash.

     Not long after he left, a man came up to me looking drunk off his ass and smelling strongly of alcohol and faint vomit. "Hey beautiful, what do you say we hang out for a bit?" He slurred. He looked to be in his late thirties, crows feet lined his eyes, his brown hair was a mess and his clothes looked disgusting with stains covering his light grey v-neck.

     "No, Im good." I told him looking towards the door, seeing no signs of Ash. "What? You think you're too good for me? Do you remember me Scar? I bet you do. Look at me." And I did, shock and fear rising in my throat.

     "Oh my-" he took a step towards me and my throat closed around the sound it was trying to make. He was suddenly yanked back and I only stood there. "Get the hell out of here! Now!" Ash yelled enraged.

     The man laughed, but did as Ashley said. "You remember me now, don't you Scar?" He mocked before retreating. Ash turned to me looking freaked out that he knew my name.

    "Scarlet, are you okay? Did he touch you? How does he know your name?" Ash asked frantically. I looked him in the eye, staring into his concerned features. "It's time I tell you everything Ash, I trust you, and at this point, there's no point in hiding anything. But back at the bus, not here." He nodded, hugging me tightly and kissing my forehead before hopping on his Harley, I right behind him.

      Once we arrived back at the bus, I noticed it was empty, and a note was left.

'Ash and Scar,

     We went out to explore the town and I took Batdog with us, we'll be back by the time the concert starts.

     Batman and the boys'

    I smirked handing it to Ash before heading towards my bunk, him following behind. I was tense and kinda scared in all honesty. I knew I had to let Ashley in and tell Andy and Jace about my encounter, because that drunkard was Aaron, and I hoped with everything in me that us running into each other was only coincidence.

    I sat on my bed and Ash sat next me me wrapping his arm tightly around me. "That man's name was Aaron and I'll get to how horrible it is that I ran into him in a second. But I think you should know everything first, and Im warning you, my past isn't pretty, so Im not going to go into too much detail, but I'll explain as best I can."

    He nodded and looked at me with a saddened and curious look. "I remember when I was younger I was considered 'Daddys little girl," I laughed without humor shaking my head and speaking slowly. "That all soon backfired on me. I don't remember a day without multiple curse words per-sentence and something being broken, whether it may be a possession of mine or a door. But only when I was through that door, it never happened to my siblings. I began to section off to myself, no longer really trusting anyone any longer. You can't really blame me, I mean sure I had my mom but I was really close to my dad and after he hurt me as he did, I thought everyone would. So the only way to protect myself from that hurt, was to never allow anyone in like that. I was around 8 or 9 when I began doing this. Breathing became harder and I was in physical pain a lot, I never knew why though and I didn't talk about it unless I had to. Eating was a problem for me as well, but I guess that could be partially put off as me being picky." I said looking at Ash and leaning further into his side.

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