Chapter 2

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      I sighed, this was getting me nowhere. I opened my eyes looking down at my dog who was happily chomping on an apple. I tossed mine down and hopped out of the tree, spurs clanging away and kissing towards my baby boy. He came running and flew past me as I headed towards the house. I let him in with me as I switched my crew neck for a leather jacket and grabbed the keys to my bike.

      I locked up, running towards the driveway. God I'm an idiot, twenty five and this still hurts me. Kicking the bike roaring to life beneath me as I smirked at the welcomed rumble of it. I sped out of the driveway and down the road enjoying the wind in my hair. I was going to a festival type concert, more headliners than opening acts but I was determined to go see my horse and ride if only for a little while.

     I heard a fellow rider speeding behind me and smirked as we came to a stop, them pulling up beside me. A leather jacket cast over their strong build, tuffs of black hair showing under the helmet, I had forgotten mine. Shit, but I guess that's what I get for rushing myself. They wore cowboy boots and dark skinny jeans, a black shirt barley visible beneath a thick leather jacket.

     The clearly male figure glanced at me and smirked cockily as he did. He pointed at his helmet clad then to my helmet-less head and shook his head the way you would at a child caught with their hands in the cookie jar. I smirked and winked as I glanced at the now green light taking off towards my ridding trainers house. I really do miss my horse Sky and seeing Kelly. I pulled up into her drive as the cowboy rode behind me pulling up next to me.

      What the hell? I turned off my music and bike as Slayer's Raining Blood blasted through my speakers. He turned his bike off and spoke as he took his helmet off, placing it on his seat.

    "Nice taste in music, but you really should be wearing a helmet." He said eyeing my 5'3 frame. "Thanks," I smirked "I was in a hurry where I was at and that wasn't my priority in the moment, in any case what are you doing here?"

     He smirked, his brown eyes lighting up as he replied. "I'm here for a ride while I'm stopping through, you?" He asked as I motioned for him to follow me down the steep hill to the barn and horses.

    "I ride here, have since I was little. I'm visiting my baby girl Sky " I told him and turned towards him throwing my hand out to shake his "I'm Scarlet by the way, but as you will soon find out those who know me call me Scar," I told him smiling

    He took his large callused hand in my small soft one and shook it "You can call me Ash." He replies. "Well Ash follow me. Did she tell you who you'd be ridding?"

    "She said I could ride either a gelding named Diesel or Max," he replied with and eyebrow raised. I smiled "Well if you ride max your gonna be in for a trip, you never know with him. He's like an ADD child, so unpredictable and easily distracted. If you ride Diesel, he likes to test but he's an old pro. He just chooses when he wants to show it. Believe me on that, he was my first show horse. They're both sweethearts though, so which one will suit your fancy?"

    He looked into the pasture, looking as if he were contemplating for a second, then back at me. "How about whichever one comes to me first is who I'll ride,"  I looked at him, my hair flicking in the wind as we stopped at the fence looking into the pastures.

"Sounds good, I'll be a bit surprised if you ride Diesel though, he's friendly but as I said, he likes to test. Also, I can't let you ride until Kelly comes out and speaks with me. I'll bring the horses out for you and everything as you seem to know what you should, but I don't know you and would rather that not be on my shoulders if I made the wrong assumptions of you." He smirked but nodded none the less

   I heard the dogs barking then, a medium sized Bug and a tiny Jack came running. I smiled wide and bent onto my knees. "Hi guys, " I said, just as someone would to a child. Bug came plowing into me nearly knocking me over but I was prepared, she does this every time. Jack came pawing at my hip and climbing up my side to lick my face. I laughed "You guys missed me didn't you? Your both just too adorable." I smirked giggling and getting up.

     "You laugh is contagious."  Ash told me, chuckling softly and smiling widely. "Thanks, it felt good to laugh like that." I grinned at him.

    Just then Kelly reached us, looking slightly frazzled. "Good! Scar, you're here. I heard you were back in town while your parents were away, I was just about to call you. My mother forgot to tell me she had a doctors appointment so I have to take her to that, would you mind getting him set up and ridding with him. Do whatever you know I'd allow but I must be leaving."

   "Kelly you already know I will, no need to ask." She smiled looking relieved, her blonde hair flipping about her head. She was tall for a women but not amazonian or something, just slightlyabove average. Her blue eyes looked at me, "Thank you so much Scar, I really do appreciate this." She told me, smiling.

    "I know, no need to thank me. Now go your moms waiting" I told her shooing her away "Alright, alright I'm going. Come on Bug and Jack" she called to her dogs who were currently getting attention from a smiling Ash. "I hope you don't mind, I mean your both around the same age, it should be more comfortable this way"

     "Fine by me Kelly, Im just looking to ride" He answered, getting up and dusting his pants as Kelly and the dogs retreated towards the house and into it. 

   I turned to the barn gesturing for Ash to follow me "I like a woman in charge"  I scoffed. "Cool, now lets find who your riding, I'll let you know who you get when they trot up" I said grabbing Sky's halter and rope then picking out a halter that will fit either geldings and handing it to him. "Follow me then stand by the gate where I show you."

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