Chapter 33

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    I woke up, groaning at the lowering sun as it shined through to cracked-open blinds. Oops. I glanced at the clock on the bed side table over Ashley's sleeping body, wincing at the slight pain in my nether region. Six. "What time is it?" Ashley asked, making me jolt in surprise. He laughed at me. "Sorry for scaring you." He said as I looked down at him.

    I smiled, shaking my head. "It's fine, I just thought you were still sleeping, it's six by the way." He nodded. "Wanna do something tonight?" He asked, raised a brow and sitting up. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his lap as I replied.

    "Actually I do, how about we get everyone together, my band included so you can meet them, and have dinner and a bonfire?" I asked, smiling at the idea. I loved late night bonfires and god do I have some stories of my friends and our stupid shit at bonfires and staying out till daylight.

    Ashley grinned at me, brown eyes sparkling. "That sounds great, I'd love to meet your friends. Maybe have Juliet, Sammi and Ella join too?" I nodded enthusiastically at the suggestion.

    "I'd love to meet Ella, so yeah. I'll text Jace and my band, you text the others?" He agreed and soon we were on our way to one hell of a night.

     An hour later we had showered and changed and everyone was gathered at my place for dinner except Jake and Ella. I introduced everyone to Nick, our bass player, Rosalyn our guitarist and Jesse our drummer. They hit it off wonderfully after getting over the shell shock that I knew these people and actually was dating, not to mention to someone they looked up to.


    We had decided to order Chinese as Ashley and I were too tired to cook. Everyone was happy with the decision. As soon as Jake had come in with a beautiful looking dark haired girl I grinned, knowing it had to be Ella.

     I went up to her smiling as she grinned back at me. "Scarlet, but you can call me Scar. It's nice to finally meet the girl Jake talks so much and fondly about." Her smile widened as her and Jake's cheeks tinged pink.

    "Same to you. I couldn't wait to finally talk to the girl who he and everyone else won't stop talking about." I smiled and went to shake her hand. She shook her head but spoke before I could be offended.

    "I prefer a less formal greeting." She remarked before pulling me into a hug. I gently hugged her back before pulling away and motioning for them to follow me into the kitchen.

     I took a seat in between Ash and Sammi grinning at the laughter and smiling faces. I introduced Jake and Ella to my band mates and Ella to Jace and the reaction was the same. I was thankful for that, making the meal something to remember. I loved every second of it as we soon finished and went to leave.

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