Chapter 28

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           A few weeks had passed. Today I was hanging out with Pierce The Veil. Ash and I had taken to sleeping together in my room at least while Juliet was here. She was leaving next week and I was sad about that, her and I had gotten really close while she was staying. Sammi was still here and was leaving shortly after but I didn't want to dwell on that either. In all honesty, I had become really close with both of them.

    When I woke up Ash was still sleeping so I decided to get up and make everyone breakfast. I slipped from Ashley's arms and padded into the hall to the kitchen. I said hi to the tired looking driver and decided I'd make him a coffee first.

    Once I had done that he thanked me and I began making breakfast. I decided on bacon, eggs, toast and pancakes. While I was waiting for the pancakes to cook I checked my phone. I had several post on my twitter that made me laugh.

     They were angry fans calling me either a slut, hoe, whore or any other name they could think of and saying Ashley was theirs. They didn't bother me in the least, I wasn't the jealous type and honestly, I'd been through enough that words on the internet didn't bother me. They were just words and I knew that, why not find humor in them?

       Just as I had began focusing on the breakfast again a pair of arms wrapped around me. I jumped cause honestly, I hadn't heard anyone coming. "Jesus Ashley, you scared the living shit out of me." I muttered somewhat sullenly.

    He laughed. "Sorry, the smell of bacon woke me up and I knew it was you since you were missing. What had you laughing just a second ago?" He asked. I chuckled, shaking my head. "Just angry fans of yours." He paused for a second.

     "That made you laugh?" He seemed surprised. I shrugged. "Well, the immaturity of it all, I mean have you seen how creative some of these girls can get? One of them called me a cum guzzling gutter slut. Come on, you gotta think about what the hell was running through her mind when she thought of that. Or how long it took her from all her other grammatical errors that, by the way, was another thing that made me laugh." I shook my head, laughing about it.

    "You're not bothered by this?" He asked. I looked at him like he was an idiot. "No, they're just words. Plus I'm not exactly the jealous type to be bothered by the rest of the comments. In my opinion if im dating im dating you. If you don't care about me enough to cheat, your not worth my time, tears or pain. Not to say I think you'll cheat, that's just what I believe." I told him as finished breakfast up.

     He just stared at me smiling. I turned off the burners and took off the pans before turning in Ashley's arms. "Now, how do you suppose we tell the other's breakfasts ready?" I asked, grinning at him.

     Five minutes later we were in position. I was standing by a stereo and he had a pan and wooden spoon in hand. "Ready?" He asked. I smiled maniacally and nodded.

       He then began banging on the pan, yelling about breakfast and all there was. I cranked the stereo as loud as it could go, Whiskey And My Friends by Casey And The Cigs blasting through the speakers. I laughed as, not long after, I heard the yells of angry complaints

      I think they finally comprehended what Ash was saying because I then seen CC running out of his bunk, full speed. "Bacon?! Food?! I call dibs!" He sped into the kitchen space, sliding on the wooden floor and nearly falling.

    I turned off the music then, laughing hard and holding my stomach tightly. "You alright CC?" I asked, still laughing. "If there's bacon Im always okay." Was his reply.

    Everyone finally came out then, looking mildly pissed until they seen that we weren't lying about the food. Everyone got their food and sat down to eat. I was sat between Sammi and Ash.

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