Chapter 25

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     "I'll have a burger and some fries." The man nodded. "That'll be right up." He exclaimed as he left. "I like him." I told Ash. "I don't think I could have his enthusiasm while working here, you gotta admire that." Ashley replied.

     Soon we were finished and on our way to the bus. I was humming to a song on the radio as we pulled up into the venue next to the bus. Ashley turned off the bike but held my hands around his waist.

     "I don't like that limp of yours." He said. I sighed. "Im fine Ashley, I promise, I can walk. If it was broken I couldn't walk, my condition just makes it seem and feel worse than it is." I assured him. He shook his head.

     "Im not letting you walk up or down any steps." He murmured, turning his head. I shook my head. "If it makes you more comfortable-" he cut me off. "It would, I don't want you to make it any worse." I nodded and kissed his cheek. "Alright, lets get going."

       I got off the bike slowly, wincing. My head was killing me but I wasn't about to tell Ash, he'd rush me to the hospital thinking I could have a concussion when I was perfectly fine. Ashley picked me up and cradled me in his arms.

     Vic seen us and ran over. "Is she okay?" He asked. I nodded. "He's just overreacting about it all." "Scarlet you must of flown a good 10-15 feet off that horse before you hit the ground. Not to mention you've been limping since." I shook my head and looked at Vic. Great. Now Vic's on his side.

    "Maybe you should go to the hospital. I don't like the look of that welt on your head either, you could have a concussion. Do you have a headache at all?" He asked. "I do but it's not to the point where I can't function. Besides my Fybro makes things feel worse than they are." I told him. He narrowed his eyes at me.

    He the came closer to us. "Which hip?" He asked. "Im fi-"  "The one facing you." Ashley interrupted. Vic gently lifted the fabric and sucked in a breath. "Holy shit Scar! If this feels worse than it is you must be in a hell of a lot of pain." Vic exclaimed. Ashley tensed at that.

      "Im use to pain Vic." I told him. His expression softened at that. Okay not the reaction I was looking for. "Bloody hell Scar what happened to you?!" I turned my head to the owner of the accent. Oliver.

      "She got bucked off a horse and flung roughly 15 feet." Vic explained. I sighed, this is not helping me convince Ashley Im fine at all. He came over and looked at it, then my head. "Jesus that looks nasty." He muttered. "Can you perform?" He asked. "Yes." "No." I glared at Ashley. "Im fine, you can put me down, too if you want." He shook his head. "No, I'll set you down on the couch and come back and put the bike up." He said.

     "Here, I can hold her while you do that. Plus it'll give you a chance to look at her hip." Vic offered. I was beginning to get slightly irritated. "Im not a baby, I have legs, I can stand. Im fine." I sharply exclaimed.

    They ignored me. Ashley handed me off to Vic as he put his bike away. "Man your swelled up." Oli said. I glared at him. "I really don't need you guys convincing him I need to go to hospital, and saying that is only convincing him further. Its not broken, I can walk." I told them.

      "It could me cracked though, not to mention you might have a concussion. Just look at you hip, Scar." Vic said and I did as my shirt was still rolled up. It was cut up and swelled and fairly discolored. It looked nasty, worse than it was. I don't blame them for being worried but I was fine. I pulled a face at it's appearance though and the two smirked triumphantly. I glared at them.

       "Jesus, that looks nasty." I looked up to see Ashley coming over as he spoke. He brushed his fingers across my him and pain shot through me. I stiffened in Vic's arms, not wanting to show it on my face.

      "Relax Scar." Vic whispered and I nodded. Ashley leaned closer to my hip and shook his head. He then gently kissed my hip and I smiled. "Kissing it better, hun?" I asked. He grinned at me and winked. I chuckled at that, ignoring the dull ache it caused.

     He then examined my head and didn't look pleased with what he saw. He kissed there, too before taking me from Vic. "How about you get the onstage paramedics opinions on this?" Oli offered. Ashley looked at me with hope in his eyes. I sighed nodding. "If it will make you all more comfortable, okay." They smiled at it. "It would." Ashley said and the three of us set off to the bus.

      "Ill go get the paramedics" Oli called and Ashley nodded. He carried me up the steps, onto the bus. All eyes were on us as we walked through the bus. "Is she okay?" Juliet asked worry in her eyes.

   "I think Im fine, but these two worry too much." She smiled at me. "What happened?" Andy asked getting up and making room for me on the couch. "Her horse spooked and bucked her a good 15 feet off him. She hit hard and now her hip and head don't look too good. She says she's fine but she won't stop limping when she walks, I didn't want to risk stairs." He said as he sat with me in his lap next to Juliet. She began playing with my hair as soon as I sat.

     "By the way darlin', I love your hair." Ashley said and I laughed, kissing his cheek. "Thanks hun," I said and he grinned. I ran my hands through his hair as we sat. "Oli's getting the paramedics to look at her since she refuses to go to a hospital." They laughed.

     "Aww is little Scar afraid of the hospital?" CC said and I laughed. "No I just don't think anything's wrong. Have fun getting your face clean?" I asked with a smirk. "It was you two?!" He asked and me and Ash lost it and nodded.

     "Told you it wasn't me CC!" Andy exclaimed. I winced when I began laughing too hard and calmed myself. "You alright?" Juliet asked. I nodded. Jinxx came over then "Let me take a look." He said. "Which hip?" He asked and Ashley pointed to my outer hip.

     "So are you two official?" Jake asked with a wink. Ashley tightened his grip on me and nodded. "Finally convinced her." Ash said. I laughed and playfully smacked his unusually clothed chest. Steak 'n Shake made him wear his shirt.

     "Shut up ya turd. You didn't need to convince me of anything, oddly enough." He pecked my lips at that and I smiled. "Oddly enough." Jinxx asked as he got up, finished with his examination. I shrugged.

    "Lets put it this way, I haven't kissed anyone in years, let alone dated them. So me feeling comfortable dating Ash and wanting to be with him is odd for me. He's the first, since Jace, that I've felt safe in someone's arms. Only being in his has a completely different effect and feel along with it." I explained and Jinxx smiled widely.

     "I know how that is." Andy said as he sat on the counter next to Vic, staring at Juliet. I smiled as she blushed and ducked into her hair. I leaned into Ash then, resting my head on his chest and tracing the tattoo's on his arm. He was doing the same on my bare skin.

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