Chapter 39

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     It was 12:45 right now, Ashley and I had been ridding for nearly an hour and I couldn't get enough of it. The wind flying through my hair, gently tugging it through the braid and helmet. The hot California sun beating down on our bodies was the perfect antidote to the whipping wind making the temperature perfect.

    I couldn't have asked for a better start to my day. We stopped at a stop light and Ash took his right hand off the handles of the bike, resting it on my thigh and squeezing gently. I looked at him, knowing he had something to say.

    "Im glad this made you feel better, babe. Getting hungry?" I barely heard him over the roar of the bike engine. He glanced back at me.

    I nodded, leaning up to speak into his ear. "Thanks for helping me feel better, you're too good to me." I leaned in and pecked his cheek since I couldn't reach his lips as the light turned green.

     "No, Im not." I barely caught as his response in the wind as we took off down the road. I shook my head before burying it into his back. I tightened my grip on him just to be closer as we soon arrived at the dinner.

      Ashley parked the bike and we both got off, putting the helmets away and walking into the place. I searched around for Kyle before I finally saw him with what looked to be another guy.

    I pointed it out to Ash and he wrapped his arm around my waist, steering me towards them. Kyle stood up as soon as we came into view and headed towards me. I let go of Ash to hug Kyle tightly.

Kyle was a smaller guy, just a couple inches taller than I. He had short, dark dish water blonde hair and multiple piercings and tattoos. snakebites, septum, (though he never wears it.)  nose, tongue and more.

    "I missed you, ya dumb fuck." He laughed. "I missed you too, ginger bitch." I let go of him and looked at the man beside him. My eyes widened.


    "James? Jesus did you both go into the business together?" James came over and hugged me tightly and longer than necessary but that's just how he was with everyone.

      "Yeah, its me. And no, I just thought I'd tag along on this trip." I nodded as he let go of me.

     James is an odd one. Always has been. He has deep brown hair that, depending on him, is long, short or shaved, its currently. He's tall, but not really tall, and skinny but a little wide. He also has one lip piercing and a nose piercing.

    "Well, this is my amazing boyfriend As-" James cut me off.


     "Ashley fucking Purdy is your boyfriend?!" Kyle, Ash and I laughed at his reaction. Kyle and I both know how dramatic James can be, Ash didn't but he's been around CC enough to be immune to it.

     "Yes James, now lets sit and eat, yeah?" They nodded and we sat down in the booth. James and Kyle on one side, Ash and I the other in that seating order. The waiter came to take our order and the boys all order burgers and fries of some sort with cokes while I ordered chicken and a strawberry lemonade.

    "Still on that chicken kick after all these years, huh scar?" Kyle said with a raised brow and small smile. I chuckled and nodded.

     "Chicken kick?" Ash questioned. James laughed.

    "Yeah, every time we went out she would always order chicken and fries from the places we went. Never a burger or a salad or anything else." James said looking at Ash with his star struck faze basically over. "It was pretty bad."

     "Not as bad as when we pierced your lip..." I muttered. Kyle lost it and James narrowed his eyes.

    "Oh, I've gotta know this." Ash said with a smirk.

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