Chapter 19

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            I heard murmuring and arms wrapping around me, pulling me close to them and lifting me. The smell of sweat, whiskey, leather and cologne attacked my senses. "Ash?" I mumbled.

     "Go back to sleep, darlin. It's only me." His voice was soothing, almost like a lullaby. I hooked my arms around his neck and snuggled further into his chest, drifting back to sleep.

       Not long after I heard yelling and foot steps pounding about, pulling me from my slumber. "CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC!" They called. I'll kill him. I mumbled incoherently, rubbing my eyes.

    "Shut up!" I yelled, drowsily. I heard faint laughing as the chant ended. I opened my eyes and stretched getting up and heading out the door. Ashley had been nice enough to bring me to my bed and tuck me in.

     When I entered the living room I noticed Juliet, Andy, Ashley and Jinxx were all sitting there. Sally was on Juliet's lap and Andy had Bubba turned into Batdog. I chuckled.

     "Hey Scarlet." Juliet smiled at me. "Hey hun," Andy grinned at me. "I still want Batdog." I laughed. Jinxx waved at me and focused back on the T.V. I sat next in between Ash and Juliet.

     "Thanks Ash." I said and kissed his cheek. "For what?" He said, blushing softly and grinning at me. I chuckled. "For putting me in my bunk, that was sweet of you." He winked.

    "Well, he wouldn't let anyone else touch you." Jinxx said grinning at Ashley, who glared back. "Oh really?" I said raising a brow. "Really." Juliet said, patting my knee and leaning into Andy's side.

   "Shut up all of you." Ashley grumbled. I chuckled. "Aw don't be embarrassed hun, I think it's sweet." I told him grinning. He grumbled but smiled softly

    "So Juliet, how long are you staying?" I asked her, hoping it was for a while. I thought it'd be nice to have another girl around and I wanted to get to know her. "Not sure yet, but at least a week." I grinned. "Good, we'll have fun together." She chuckled. "Yeah, I finally have someone I can watch romance movies with." Ashley laughed.

    "Juliet, I couldn't even get her to watch one with me." He guffawed, leaning forward to face her. "You don't like romance movies?" Juliet asked as Sally climbed over onto my lap, frightened  from her outburst. I chuckled as even Jinxx looked over. I shook my head. "Not really, I mean there are some I'll watch but Im more of an action, super hero, horror movie kinda girl." I said with a shrug. Jinxx laughed at Juliet's expression, you could tell the poor girl was trying to be nice, but frankly she looked shocked off her ass.

     "Well Ash, you weren't kidding when you said she was unique. She's definitely your type of girl." Jinxx commented. I blushed and Ash wrapped his arm around my waist.

     "Yeah, I know." I laughed, getting out of his grip. "Darlin, what did I say about a challenge?" I looked up at him, his brown eyes were shining with excitement. I grinned at him unconsciously and he wrapped his arm around my waist again.

     "You're not getting out of this one, Scar." I shook my head and relaxed against his side, rest my head on his shoulder. "Don't get use to this, I'm simply allowing this because I'm tired and you're extremely comfortable." He winked at me as I said this.

      "I remember, you told me that earlier." Juliet and Andy looked over at us, Andy looked slightly shocked but more happy and Juliet looked more shocked but still happy. "Is the Purdy perv settling down?" Andy asked dramatically.

      Ashley tightened his grip on me before answering. "Maybe for this one, if she gives me a chance." He said and the whole rooms attention was suddenly on me. "You're forgetting to tell them I agreed to go on a date with you, sir. By the way, when and where are we going?" I asked as the room smirked at us, turning to look at Ashley now.

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