Chapter 30

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    The tour was over and we were pulling into my drive. Jace was here and said there's somewhat of a problem at the house. Ash came with me to help me unpack and sort out the problem as Andy kept the animals with him, particularly Bubba. I believe Jinxx or Jake had Sally at the moment.

      I grabbed my blankets and pillow as Ash grabbed my duffle bag. I walked up to the front door of my creme colored 1 story house and opened the door. I immediately dropped my things as I seen who was next to Jace.

      Ashley ran to my side as I stood, frozen, staring into my Dad's eyes. I glared at him as Ash wrapped his arm around me. "What are you doing here? You know that forgiveness is earned when it is shown that you are deserving of it in my eyes and you haven't shown it yet, therefore you're sure as hell not welcome here." Ashley stiffened at my side and Jace came up beside me.

    "Why did you bring him Jace? What the hell were you thinking?!" I angrily growled at him, if looks could kill. "I didn't, he came on his own. Didn't you see his car in the drive?" I shook my head.

      "On to the matter at hand, what are you doing in my girlfriends home?" Ash said sternly, looking to my Dad. My dad looked shocked at what Ashley had said. "Girlfriend? You're her boyfriend? Scar, what the hell are you thinking dating him? Are you fucking stupid?! God dammit, Scarlet!" My Dad yells at me, striding towards me, red faced and pissed off.

     I stood my ground but Ash wasn't having it. "Come any closer and not only will I kick your ass but I will make sure to call the police number one. Number 2 who the hell are you to talk to her like that? I don't care if you are genetically her Father, no Dad ever speaks to their child like that, especially since you have no reason." He stands half in front of me, never letting go of me as he spoke.

      "How long, Scar? You stay alone and single for nearly ten years and now you decide to date this leather covered queer? I must have raised a dumbass." He exclaimed. "Hell, I thought you'd hook up with that one." He hissed, motioning to Jace. "But you prove me wrong, choosing the worst possible option." He continues pushing me to beyond angry. At this point, Im blood boiling, jaw tight, white knuckled pissed.

     "You asshole! He is not a queer, he's more of a man than you could ever dream of being and has shown me more care in the 3 months (I don't remember if that's really the time, but it is now :p) we've been together than you have my whole life. Get the fuck out of my house and don't come back until you truly have changed. You'll know when and so will I. Until then, I don't want to see you. Get out. Now." I scream at him, seething with furry.

    "What the fuck ever. Have a nice life, and with you acting like a bitch, I bet its not too good. Or it won't last long." He yelled furiously. How could he be so incompetent? Ash glared and opened his mouth to speak but I clamped my hand over his mouth and shook my head.

     Jace only glared furiously as the door shut behind my Dad, shaking the frame with the floors. We all stayed silent before soon hearing tires squeeling on pavement before screeching down the road.

       "Scar?" Jace asked, turning to me as if asking an unspoken question. I shook my, "Don't Jace, I know you meant well, but people like that just don't change." I muttered, looking up at him through my lashes. Ashley gripped me tighter as I finished speaking.

    "That's the thing, I didn't invite him. He said you did, I knew just about as much as you. Im sorry Scar, I didn't know." He murmured softly, stepping towards me, arms out for a hug. I nodded and stepped away from Ash's arms and into Jace's.

     "He's manipulative, I grew up with it, I understand." Jace hugged me tightly as I hugged him back. "I missed you, Jace. So much." I dug my head into his shoulder as he rubbed his arms up my back. "I missed you, too Scar. I think I'm gonna move out here with you. There's nothing for me back home and I don't like being so far away from my sister for so long." I grinned, pulling away and looking around my house.

     The floors were hard wood with a cherry wood stain, there were black rugs under my couch, table and in front of my door. My couch was a black pleather couch and a nice sized, flat screen T.V. sat across from it. "Good, I've missed you too, Jace. But I'll be moving soon, to around L.A., so-" just then the door busted open, my dog flying towards me, hair standing up on end.

     Andy stepped through, looking frantically at us. "What the hell was that?!" He yelled at us, gesturing towards the door. "Took me a good ten minutes to calm Bubba down before I finally gave in and let him go to you. Who was that?!" He walked in as Jake, Jinxx, and CC entered in behind him, closing the door.

    "That was my Dad." I explained, looking Andy in the eye. Sadness and anger crossed his eyes as confusion and shock crossed the others. "Are you ok? I mean emotionally, your obviously physically ok." I nodded, smiling as best I could at him.

     "Yeah, umm I think it's time they know everything. Jace and Andy, you think you could tell them? I just want to forget about this.." I asked, glancing between the two of them.

   "Everything?" Jace asked, I nodded. "They need to know." Jace smiled as Andy gestured to the bus, opening the door. "Come on guys, this might take a while." They nodded, smiling and saying goodbye.

    Jace stayed behind for a second, giving me a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Love you, Scar. I'll give you some time. Im staying at a hotel nearby if you need me." I nodded, releasing him. He left, leaving me alone with Ashley.

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