Chapter 41

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  *** Sorry about the wait, a huge storm hit my town, knocking out power, internet, and cable all week. I tried my best with this but Im not feeling too good right now so my apologies if it's a bit shitty. Enjoy, my lovelies! ***

   I woke up the next morning feeling a lot better. Ashley was still holding me, still sleeping. The medication worked wonders, I still felt weak and off but I think I can handle some foods.

    I closed my eyes and sighed contently. "Morning darling, feeling any better?" I heard Ashley say softly in a groggy tone. I honestly loved the sound of it, a slight turn on.

   "Yeah, a lot better thanks to you. How long have you been up?"  I asked him, opening my eyes to find him staring at me.

    "Good, I don't like seeing you sick. Not too long, are you hungry?" I nodded. "Maybe just for some toast with peanut butter, I don't want to push it." He nodded and we untangled ourselves from each other and headed down the stairs.


  Ashley made us breakfast, him eggs, toast and some bacon and I my requested peanut butter and toast. I couldn't resist a couple pieces of bacon and Ashley grinned at this.

   We made quick work of finishing our breakfast and soon showered and got dressed feeling as good as new. I put on some yoga pants (my only pair) and a black v-neck that said I solemnly swear I am up to no good in silver, calligraphic writing. I'm a huge Harry Potter fan and proud.

    Ashley had a similar outfit on. black skinny jeans and a black T- shirt. He smirked and laughed lightly when he seen my outfit. "Love the shirt. I knew you were a fan but I didn't know you were that much of a fan."  He teased mercilessly.

   "Keep talking and you won't be getting any anytime soon." I threatened, smacking his arm playfully. He laughed at me. "You've already had a taste of me, you'll be back." He replied cockily.

   I snorted and shook my head, giggling softly to myself. We headed down the stairs and as soon as I hit the bottom step I heard the familiar roar of my motorcycles' engine and the comforting purr of my truck pull up into the drive.

    I looked at Ash grinning and he winked back. Soon I heard a knock followed by a very welcoming voice. "Ginger bitch! Come answer the door or I'm coming in!" Ashley laughed and shook his head at Jace's antics.

   "Just come in guys." As soon as the door swung open I ran over to Jace an hugged him tightly. He picked me up and swung me around. "Damn, I hadn't seen her for years and I didn't even get that reaction." Kyle said. I laughed and released Jace to hug him as Ashley spoke up.

   "Don't feel bad, I'm her boyfriend and I don't either." I shook my head. "I'm still here you know." I muttered going over to hug James as Jace shut the door.

    I released James and walked towards the couch where Ashley had just sat and plopped myself down next to him. "Come over, make yourselves at home. You do any other time." I muttered the last part and Ash chuckled.

  "I heard that, Scarlett." Jace said, sitting on my other side, James and Kyle sitting in the chairs. "Am I wrong?" He didn't say anything and I laughed at him.

     "Well," Jace spoke, putting his arm around me, effectively changing the subject. "Feeling any better hun?" This question caught the other twos attention. I nodded.

   "Yeah, thanks to my amazing boyfriend who apparently feels hug deprived." I giggled and he shook his head. "Hey, I wouldn't feel that way if you greeted me like you greeted Jace."

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