Chapter 12

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     "So what's up?" I asked him. "I didn't want you going alone, even with your dog." I laughed nodding. I pulled out my phone and headphones from my back pocket as well as my duel jack extender and handed him an a pair plugging them in. He took it from me and placed one bud in and I pressed play.

     Welcome To The Jungle by Guns 'n Roses came on then and I smiled humming along to it. Ash grinned and took it a step further. He began singing loudly. "Welcome to the jungle, we've got fun 'n games." I laughed, joining in as we reached a small park. "We've got everything you want, honey we know the names." We got in each others face shaking our heads singing.

    "We are the kind of people thatncan find. whatever you may need." Ash smiled widely grabbing my hand and spinning me. He brought me close to him, his arm around me, hand still holding mine "If you got the money honey, we got your disease!"

     I grinned as Ashley leaned his head down over my shoulder. I turned my head towards his. I let Bubba go, knowing he wouldn't let me leave his sight, it was just how he was.

    "In the jungle, welcome to the jungle watch it bring you to your sha-na-na-na-na-na-na-na knees knees." Ash let me go, spinning me as we continued to sing. We walked around the park, Bubba following close behind. I ran ahead of Ash and he chased after me, successfully ripping his ear bud out.

     "Scar! Get back here!" He called to me, a smile in his tone. I laughed, shaking my head. "No!"

   The next thing I knew Ash's arms were around me, spinning me towards him. He leaned down towards me, whispering in my ear. "Gotcha." I sucked in a breath. He leaned back, looking into my eyes and smirking at my shocked expression.

     We stared at each other and Ashley began leaning in. I knew where this was going and I wasn't ready for it. I turned my head, breaking his grasp. "We should be getting back." I said as bubba did his business and I took care of it quietly, grabbing my dogs leash before looking back at Ashley. He nodded stretching his hand out.

     "It's safer this way, Scarlet." I nodded slowly, grabbing his hand. We walked the short trip back to the bus and once inside, I released Ash's hand, gathering my animal's food and dishing it out for them.

     "Hey! I was petting her," I looked up to see Andy pouting on the couch. I laughed shrugging. "Sucks to be you. She'll be back later, hun,  I promise."

    "Hun?" CC called, walking into the room. I chuckled to myself. "Yeah, sorry, I normally call people that. I'll stop myself next time." He shook his head. "No, it's fine, you'll have to explain it to Juliet though."

     I laughed at him. "I will. Isn't she your girlfriend? I know you live with her but thats about it." CC guffawed, falling to the ground dramatically. Andy shook his head and answered for him. "She's my girlfriend, you really don't know much about us, do you?" I shook my head walking over and sitting next to him.

     "No. As far as I'm concerned I don't know you personally so what's the point in keeping up on your private business? I loved your message and music and that was enough information for me." Andy smiled at me. "Juliet's going to love you."

     "So is Sammi." I looked up to see Jinxx in the hallway, leaning up against the doorway. "She's my fiance." I grinned at them, excited to hopefully meet them. "Id love to meet them."

     "You will," Andy said as Jinxx sat beside him. CC was still lying on the ground. "Soon too, hopefully." I nodded.

     "So, you guy's up for a movie?" Ash asked sitting next to me. I nodded looking at him. "Anything on your mind cowboy?" He chuckled. "How about Fast Five?"

     I laughed nodding enthusiastically. "Oh I can't wait to rub it in Jace's face that I'm watching this." The guys laughed as I leaned back into the couch. CC got up, putting the movie in and going to get Jake.

       An hour later and it was midnight. I was getting tired and apparently wasn't the only one. Andy had fallen asleep on Jinxx and Jinxx had fallen asleep sprawled across Jake's lap who was also asleep. CC had gone to his bunk about five minutes ago, taking my dog with him. That left me and Ashley alone, the only ones awake.

     I yawned and Ash looked down at me. "Come here." He said. I looked at him and he sighed, wrapping his arm around my waist and lying back into the couch. I sighed oddly content, throwing my feet onto the couch and snuggling into his side, lightly putting my hand on his chest.

     "You don't mind do you?" I asked him. I felt his chest lightly rumbled. He kissed the top of my head before answering. "Not at all darling." I smiled, snuggling closer to him and putting my head on his chest.

    He reached up, pulling a blanket from the top of the couch and draping it across our still fully-clothed bodies, we had switched to PJs earlier. I smiled kissing his cheek. "Thanks Ash. You know, you oddly enough make me feel really safe. I haven't felt this way in a while."

     "Good, I wouldn't have it any other way." I yawned in response. "Goodnight Scar." He whispered. I nodded before closing my eyes. "Night"

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