Chapter 45

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As we entered the room I 'fought' Ashlety, feigning irritation at him. I was fighting a smile at the boys reaction and so was Ashley. "You're an asshole!" I exclaimed. "The one thing I live for, the one thing that brings me happiness besides you, the boys, my bike and my animals and you ruin it. The one thing that brings me happiness that I can make a living on and you do this?"

"I'm sorry, baby. I was thinking about your health! I swear! We all were" Ashley countered sounding as convincing as I hoped I was, but as I glared out at the boys worried complexions, I knew I was. At least until I seen them. I chuckled as Ashley sat me down next to Andy and he himself sat next to me laughing.

"Wait," CC asked, looking about as perplexed as a person could be. "So you're not mad? I'm so confused...." I nodded at him, a soft smile on my lips as my laughs die down. "No, I'm not mad. I mean, I was at first but I understand now, you all were only looking out for me, how can I be upset about that?"

Suddenly I was wrapped in a pair of arms, their head half nuzzling my hair. "I'm so glad you aren't mad Scar." Andy's deep voice reverberated through my hair as the guys nodded in agreement to his proclamation. "By the way, this whole bit was Ash's idea" I told them all, a sadistic smirk edging my lips.

Andy let go of me and turned to Ashley "Thanks for the heart attack, jackass. " He smacked Ash on the head as he said this, giving him a sarcastic look. The rest of the night carried on, I cuddled in Ashley's embrace as we all watched movies and, later, had Chinese for dinner. Terriyaki chicken to be specific.


Run! Run! Fucking run you slow little shit, don't look behind you, it'll only make you slower, you'll lag! Keep running until you reach a safe place!

My legs ached as I ran through the dusty forest, sweat dripped down my face. My clothes were ripped and caked with dirt and my heart and breath were sparadic. "You can't run forever Scarlett! I will catch you!" He screamed from behind me. He seemed farther than before from his voice but I didn't dare check my theory or answer him. I knew better than that.

The time seemed to lag as the sun began setting. I didn't know where I was or how I got here, all I know is I'm here now. The wind blew and whipped my unruly curls into my face, blocking my vision. I became frantic, jerking my head to clear my vision. Bad move. My foot caught on a root and I ripped it away, twisting my bone to a sickening snap. "Gotcha you little bitch. Who's gonna save you this time?" His foot steps pounded the ground and I turned to face Aaron. He grabbed me and I screamed as my only defense.

"Scar." he said but his voice seemed oddly gentler. Still, I screamed

"Scar." it changed... This wasn't Aaron's voice, yet my screaming continued. "Scarlett wake up! "

I jolted awake and blinked frantically as tears flooded my eyes. I was still in the tour bus living room but only Andy was left. I grunted at the pain jolting caused me along with a particularly large pot hole in the road. "Fuck" I muttered as tears spilled down my porcelain cheeks.

Andy sighed and hugged me. "Scar I really think you should go home and rest for the time you're not allowed to perform... You may even be able to come back sooner and perform with Oli..." I looked at Andy with a glare in my eyes. But his face was defenseless filled with worry, care, and love.

"But Andy... I'll miss you all... And what about Ashley? Andy.. what will he say? "

He opened his mouth to reply but was cut off. "I'd say you should go." I whirled my head to see Ashley standing there in the hall entrance, concern written all over his face. "You need to rest and being here isn't cutting it. Jace will be here in the morning. We'll just all go to breakfast and spend some time together, then you'll go back to my house with him. No way are you going anywhere anybody could guess you're at. " He had turned serious as he crossed the room to sit next to me.

"I already called and told him what was going on when I heard you get up. It's happening Scar. Jace will take care of you. " I looked at the boys around me and wipped at the tears on my cheeks. I only nodded at them and they both smiled, relieved. I couldn't speak, I knew I'd break down.

"Let's go to bed, love, yeah? " I just nodded weakly at him. I felt so fragile and defenseless, in that moment I couldn't stand myself. I hate depending on anyone, I hate not being physically able to do anything... Why me? Why me?!

Andy bid us goodnight and left as Ashley picked me up to leave, an internal battle roaring inside me, old insecurities flaring but Ash held me, completely unaware of my inner turmoil.


"Pass the syrup, will you, Scar?" Jake asked me. I smiled and passed it to him automatically, Jace had shown up early this morning, a look of upset and 'I told you so. ' written across his face. Asshole. We were at an old diner just outside the venue at this point, Ashley on my right, Jace on my left for breakfast, my stuff was already packed and inside Jace's car, once breakfast was over, which was flying by for me, I'd say my goodbyes and leave with Jace for a month or so...

Fuck everyone.

I hadn't ate much, my stomach was already full of knots and I didn't want to ruin Jace's car, that was his wife and kid at the moment. I looked into those bright blue eyes of his and he looked back, a cherub smile spreading across his cheeks.

"I've missed those eyes of yours, Scar, never the same color two days in a row yet always beautiful." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

" I've missed you, too, Jace. It's been far too long. " Ashley held my hand tightly in response but I simply squeezed his, pulled it to my lips and kissed gently across the back of it.

"I don't know what I'll do when it's you I'll be missing, darling." He blushed and I caught a chuckle from Andy.

"Jealous much, Ash" Andy laughed. The boys, except Ash and Jace, though Jace was smirking, laughed.

" I have no idea what you're talking about. " He glared at them.

" Sure man, you just squeezed her hand like that for nothing. " CC added. I chuckled at this one and Ashley turned on me and I simply kissed him, his body relaxing instantly.

"I'm here now, don't let them phase you." I whispered, smiling gently at him. He nodded at me and kissed my cheek.


Everyone finished their meal and soon we were saying our goodbyes, it all happened in a blur for me and isn't something I wanted to concentrate on... I hate goodbyes with a passion. Currently I'm in the car, minutes from Ashley's place, texting him this and that I miss him already, Pierce the Veil powering through the speakers.

"We're here, Scar. And I know Bubba and Sally will love this fact, too. " Jace said to me. I smiled at the thought of this. We pulled into the drive and Jace instantly went out into the warm Californian sun, gathering my things as I got out of the car as best I could.

"Scar your break will be longer if you don't quit that stuff. " Jace called to me.

"Shut up, I'm fine." I called with a smirk.

"There's the Scarlett I know and love. " Jace said cockily. I flipped him off in response as we approached the door. Jace unlocked the door and an unconscious smile spread across my face... Maybe I did need this.

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