Chapter 34

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    We were currently heading to the bonfire in Jesse's van although Juliet and I had to sit on our boyfriends lap for lack of space. We had snacks, like s'more Kit Kats and strawberries and drinks like Mountain Dew, Tea, and lots of alcohol.

     My radio/CD player with an attachment for phones and Ipods sat in the back of the vehicle. Firewood and starter sat near it, and all of it was tucked snugly into the back of Jesse's van. Music was floating around us, the end of Devil's Night by Motionless In White playing.

     The songs switched and I grinned at the selection, turning to Rose as she turned to me, out stretching our arms towards each other as we sang along the Panic! At The Disco's The Only Difference Between Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Coverage.

     'Sit tight I'm going to need you to keep time come on just snap snap snap your fingers for me good good now I'm making some progress c'mon just tap tap tap your toes to the beat.'

     I grinned dancing on Ashley's lap as he tightened his grip on me. We turned onto the dirt road leading to the spot. I had found it while going for a walk one day. It was a beautiful spot in a small clearing, secluded by trees with a river running through not far from it. I had brought these guys here before with me and it had successfully worked but also reminded us that bug spray was essential.

      'And I believe this may call for a proper introduction and well don't you see I'm the narrator in this is just the prologue'

   As we hit the chorus everyone joined in with us. I grinned as I heard Ash's voice in my ear, his breath tickling my neck and shoulders sending a shiver down my spine. He felt this and chuckled, winking at me with a grin. I kissed his cheek quickly before turning to Jace and picking up where I left off with Rosalyn.

    'Swear to shake it up if you swear to listen or still so young and desperate for attention and I to be your eyes trophy boys trophy wives. Swear to shake it up if you swear to listen or still so young and desperate for attention than I am to be your eyes trophy boys trophy wives'

     We were all dancing except for Jesse since he was driving but that didn't stop him from singing right along with us, tapping his fingers to the beat.

     'Applause, applause no wait wait dear studio audience have an announcement to make it seems the artist these days are not who you think so we'll pick back up on that on another day.

    And I believe this me a call for a proper introduction well, don't you see I'm the narrator in this is just the prologue. Swear to shake it up if you swear to listen or still so young and desperate for attention and I am to be your eyes trophy boys trophy wives. Swear to shake it up if you swear to listen or so so young and desperate for attention and I am to be your eyes trophy boys trophy wives.'

      The break down began and we all started dancing like idiots. A grin spread widely across my face as I laughed, the song coming to an end as we arrived at the place. We began unloading everything by flashlights from our phones.

    I began setting up and starting the fire, creating a space in between logs and sticking small sticks and newspapers in it. I rolled on of the papers and took a lighter, lighting the paper and sticking it in the hole. The sticks caught and as I did that in a few other spots, the logs soon caught a flame.

    I grinned as seats were taken. Someone started the music, playing it loudly on a My Chemical Romance song from their Ipod. Ashley pulled me to his side as everyone got settled. I turned to my band mates then as I remembered something.

    "Hey, Rose, what was that huge announcement you had?" I questioned. Jesse's long brown hair flew as he whipped his head, a smile spreading across his face at this. Nick grinned, his brown, slightly curly hair whipping in the wind. Rose just smiled, taking a deep breath.

     "Well, we are going on tour. A big one, you never guess with who." My mouth dropped and she laughed, taking my silence as an invitation to explain. "Pierce The motherfuckin Veil!" I yelped in excitement.

    "Those little assholes can sure as hell keep a secret! How could they not tell me?"  I exclaimed in disbelief. Sure I was overjoyed with this but the fact that I spent over 3 months with them and not a word or hint came from them.

     Nick and Jesse were laughing so hard they fell out of their seats. I stuck my tongue out at them. "They wanted it to be a surprise. Don't ask why,I have no clue but I know why Vic said to video tape your reaction, now. Thanks CC!" She smirked taking a camera I had never seen him with from him. He grinned at her. "No problem."

 "When is it?" I asked Rose.  "We leave September 9th" I nodded and fell into silence.

  I started to feel weird at the moment. A feeling I couldn't describe. Kinda like my walls were slowly closing in, like I wanted to be by myself. Suddenly I was flung onto someone's shoulders, screaming the whole time. I looked and seen it was Jace.

   I gave him a half-hearted smile and he stared at me. He knew something was up, he was good like that. I just wished he wasn't right now. "You mind if I steal her away for a second, Ash?" Jace said, glancing down at the cowboy.

    He waved his hand smiled. "Fine by me, I'll have the whole night with her." He winked at me. I smiled as best I could, the feeling never leaving me as Jace walked to somewhere private, me still atop his shoulders.

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