Chapter 15

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   He turned my laptop on and asked for my password, I gave it to him. He clicked on Netflix and then looked at me. "What do you want to watch?" He questioned.

     I stared into his brown eyes for a second, lips pursed. He leaned down and kissed me tugged on my pouted lip before leaning back with a cocky smirk. "Don't purse your lips at me women, or you'll suffer the consequence." I smirked.

    "And what if I like the consequence?" I asked with a raised brow and a crooked smile. Ashley's eyes widened and he opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off. "Anything but romance. Most of them just irritate me." I said, never taking my eyes off him.

     "Deal and if you make a comment like that again I don't know if I'll be able to control myself, Scar. How about Horror for the movie?" He said, still in slight awe.

   I turned my head up slightly and leaned in whispering in his ear. "You'll need to learn self-control around me hun, Im not easy." I leaned back and looked at him, a grin growing on my lips. "And if you can find a horror film that will scare me, I will personally thank you."

   He only shook his head and typed 'The Conjuring' into the search box. I turned, snuggling closer into him and resting my head on his shoulder and playing with his hair as he loaded the movie.

    He leaned up slightly connecting my laptop to a T.V. at the foot of the bed before leaning back. I began getting comfortable and Ash tightened his grip on my waist as the movie began. I smiled.

  "I really hope this movie scares me, I normally end up laughing at them." Ash chuckled, looking down at me. "You know you are a rarity. Normally girls are scared shitless or pretend they are for some unknown reason. That and dirt," He said with a frown.

      I laughed at this. I looked up at him before speaking. "Maybe that's because you date city girls who don't know that dirt doesn't hurt and neither do actors on a screen." Ash smiled widely at my, eyes crinkling and the brown in his iris's sparking. I turned my attention to the screen, hoping it did it's job.

     2 hours later it was 12:00 and the movie was over. The guy's hadn't made it back and to be honest,  I was kinda happy. I mean sure, the guy's were fun but I was enjoying my time with Ash.

     "Well, I'll give you props," I said smiling up at him. "The movie didn't scare me, but I didn't laugh at it either." He chuckled his brown eyes sparkling. "I was kinda hoping you were kidding about those movies not scaring you."

    I looked up at him, raising a brow. "Why? Especially after your previous comment." He gave me a look as if it was obvious and after a second,  I realized it was. I smirked,  so that's how he wants it huh?

     "Oh, so you were hoping I'd be all over you?" I asked straddling him. He looked shocked but he wrapped his arms around my waist none the less grinning at me. I don't even recognize myself at this point but I'm not sure thats a bad thing I bent down, whispering in his ear. "Freak out so you could hold me?" I nipped at his ear and he groaned.

      I smirked. "You wanted me to scream, terrified of the poor actors on the screen?" I whispered when I had leaned up, my lips brushing against his as I spoke. He looked at me, longingly and nodded slightly.

    I chuckled getting off of him quickly. "Well, sorry to break it to you love, but I wasn't kidding." He stared at me for a second before glaring at me. "You're such a tease, Scar."

     I chuckled. "Only to you, Mr.Purdy."  He opened his mouth to answer when my phone rang. "I'll be back with some snacks while you answer that." Ash said as I nodded, smiling at him gratefully and mouthing my thanks. He winked and headed out the door.

    I looked at the caller I.D., Jace. Just who I needed to speak to.  "Hey, bro." I said.

"Hey Scar, how's everything with you and Ash? Kissed yet?" He said snickering. I didn't speak.

     "You did, didn't you?" Jace exclaimed. I paused before answering  "Yeah.... a lot...." I answered quietly. "Aww, my wittle Scar is growing up." Jace said in a voice a choked up parent would use on their kid. "Haha, very funny Jace."

     "Well it kinda was." I didn't answer. "So, anything else happen?" He asked, changing the subject. "Besides us snuggling in my bed alone on bus after Andy and the guys kidnapped my 'Batdog' as he calls bubba and Ash figuring out my scary movie quirk?" Jace laughed.

   "Batdog?" He said. "Yeah, I showed him Bubs' cape from halloween." He laughed loudly. "Well then. But besides that, yeah."

    I sighed, knowing I had to tell him soon. "Yeah, I might of possibly ran into a drunk off his ass Aaron after he hit on me when I was waiting for Ashley at his bike. He came back in time and Im fine, I promise. I just had to tell Ashley everything."

     Jace didn't speak for a bit and I heard a knock on my door. The guys must be back, I opened the door to see, not one of the guys, but Oli. I smiled waving him in and holding up a finger. He nodded and sat on my bed.

     "I'll kill him." I heard suddenly on the line. "Now, there's no need for that-" "Scar would you open your eyes? It's been ten fucking years and no matter where you go, what you do, you always run into him. I don't think it's coincidence."  He told me in a clipped tone.

    "And you think killing him is gonna help? Andy knows about everything and so does Ash. I'll tell Andy what happened when he gets back, but for now you need to calm down." I told him, a little nervous and irritated.

     Ash poked his head into the room then, smiling before seeing my expression. He had something hidden behind his back. "Is Ashley near you now?" I raised a brow looking at Ash before speaking. "Yeah.." "Give him the phone." Jace said, in a tone leaving no room for argument.

      Oli looked extremely confused but sat patiently. "Alright....Ash, Jace wants to talk to you..." I said holding out my phone to him. He took it and left the room.

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