Chapter 37

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    The ride over to Ashley's house was long and I decided to take advantage of it while I was still apart of the awakened. Before my anxieties became too much, I spoke gently.

    "Please, Ashley, promise me something. I made Jace do this years ago and it still bothers me that he's been put in harms way through all these years because of me, still. I don't want that for you. So, please, whatever my dad says, does or otherwise, don't get hurt for me. I love you too much for that, I couldn't handle knowing Im the reason you were hurt."

     Ashley grabbed my hand tightly in his. "Darling, don't you ever think that, none of this is your fault. If someone decides they want to protect you, as I do, that's them and the only one responsible is the person who harmed them. I can't promise you I won't, I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you and I could have prevented it. So, no, I'll try but no promises. But, for now, lets leave this conversation for another time, yeah?"

    I nodded as I was about to conk out. So I curled onto my side, gripping Ash's hand, kissing it softly and closing my eyes.

     "I love you, Scar." I heard murmured as I drifted into oblivion.


     I woke up in a dimly lit room with a bare, inked arm draped over my waist. My head was tucked into his chest and our hair was entangled in each other. I looked up to see Ash was still sleeping and moved my head to kiss his soft lips.

     He soon twitched before I felt his soft lips kissing me back. I pulled away, grinning at him gently. "Please, always wake me up like that? A little make out session first thing just gets me going." He winked, his voice sounding rough and groggy.

     I chuckled. "No promises." I murmured, brushing his hair from his face. "Thank you." I said looking into his dark colored orbs.

     He raised a brow at me. "For what?" He seemed genuinely confused. I chuckled.

    "For carrying me to bed, making sure I was safe and just being there for me. I'm truly glad you're being so understanding and caring." I wrapped my arm around him and kissed his cheek.

     He grinned at me. "Well, if this is the reaction I get then I sure as hell don't mind." I laughed.

    "Im sure, now are you hungry? I could make you breakfast." I offered.

     "You're my guest you know." He replied. "That wasn't my question, Purdy."

      He stared at me for a second before answering. "How about I take you out?" He countered.

    "If I pay." He wasn't getting out of this, I honestly wanted to show him I appreciated this. He groaned at me. "Why are you so stubborn on this?"

      I smirked. "Bacon, eggs, toast, and hash browns good with you?" I asked getting out of his grip and out of his bed. He only nodded. I gasped slightly shocked at my changed attire.

    "Did you change me?" I asked him, I wasn't mad, just surprised. I was in one of his shirts and some of my pajama shorts although you couldn't see them as his shirt was like a dress on me. He grinned winking at me.

    "Yeah, that was also a good perk." I laughed as he got out and walked over to me.

     We began walking when he suddenly picked me up and ran out the door, down the hall and down the stairs. I was giggling and laughing at this. "You are nuts, Ashley!" I shouted, as we arrived at his kitchen.

    "Im an outlaw, it's in the job description." I shook my head at him before turning and beginning breakfast.

    Twenty minutes later I had finished and he and I were sitting at his table eating. "So, do you have your motorcycle with you?" I asked casually as I chewed on a piece of bacon.

    He glanced up at me through his hair. "Why, you want to ride today?" I nodded and a slow grin spread across his face.

  We were soon finished with our meal and were getting ready. I checked the weather and seeing as it was going to be sunny and 85, I slipped on a pair of shorts, a black under shirt with a black lace tank top over it and tucked it in. I put on my old but still really nice and shiny show belt, loving how shiny the belt buckle and gems on the belt still were. I slipped on my combat boots then put my hair in a long, loose, lazy braid down my back, with some fringe coming out of the loose hairs that were hanging over my shoulder.

    I put on some light eyeliner and mascara, put some chapstick on and sprayed on some perfume. I had already brushed my teeth and all the other necessities so all I was waiting on was Ashley.

      I sat on the bed and decided to get on my facebook. I seen I had a message from an old friend from back home that I always use to do stupid shit with him and my friends. I clicked on it and read the message.

    Kyle (the guy) - Heyy Scar, long time no talk, what have you been up to?

   Me - Well a lot actually, I live in California now and am about to go on a tour with an amazing band and then go on one for my band with another wonderful band, you?

   Kyle - Damn, glad you could make it. I finally did get that job as a tattoo artist and I've been pretty good. Im actually visiting in California right now, where are you at?

   Me - Congratulations! I swear that's all you talked about when we were younger. Los Angeles, currently.

   Kyle - Me too, want to meet up sometime today?

   Me - Maybe, Im actually going on a motorcycle ride with my boyfriend when he finishes getting ready. Ill ask, when and where were you thinking?

  Kyle - 1 for lunch

   Me - sounds great, Ill talk to him about meeting up with you while we ride for lunch, Ill text you when I know?

   Kyle - yeah, here's my number ### ### ####

   I glanced up and seen no sign of Ash so I decided to get up and check out what he was up to. I walked to the bathroom door and knocked on it.

     "Ash, hurry up I've got a question for you." I heard some movement before he finally came out, dressed in black skinny's and a black button up shirt. His hair was done and his face was clean of make up.

      "You look sexy, darlin'" He said with a wink. I laughed and shook my head. "What's your question?"

     "Well, I got a message from an old friend on mine just a bit ago and he's up here right now visiting and wants to meet us for lunch, you want to?" He looked at me before gripping my hand and pulling me down the stairs.

   "He? How many guy friends did you have?" He asked with a grin. I shrugged as we hit the floor.

    "A lot, I use to stay over night with groups of friends co-ed and you just meet people. Besides, men are less drama." He nodded.

   "Sure, what time?" He asked, slipping on his boots and grabbing his keys.

   "One." He nodded. I messaged Kyle telling him we were up for it and where to meet us. Ash and I headed out then into the hot Los Angeles sun. At the moment I was more than happy for my outfit.

     Ash started up the bike and I hopped on behind him, grinning in anticipation. The sound of the engine soothed all anxieties and kickstarted my heart. I chuckled softly at my stupid joke (listening to Motley Crue right now, haha) and stuck my helmet on as did Ashley before heading out his drive and down the road to find some open ones.

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