Chapter 44

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*Ashley's POV*

Her face at this moment was a sight to see. Suppressed anger tightened her features along with embarrassment, her attempt at appearing calm faltering. Her cheeks turned a light pink as her lips popped open to speak but nothing came out. She shook her head slightly before her voice finally came through.

"Oli! What are you doing here? I mean I love seeing you but this is a surprise." She seemed to stumble over her words as Oliver's smirk grew.

"Lover boy invited me. We all should find a place to chat, yeah?" She looked so confused and flustered I almost laughed. Almost. My stomach was in too many knots for that.

She only got up with Andy's help and led us all to her and I's room carefully and slowly. Once we arrived I helped her sit down and relax, my own arm supporting her as Oli sat next to her on her other side after closing the door.

"So I'm told you aren't in as good of condition as you were leading me on to be?" He said, raising a brow at her. Scarlett's face instantly changed, she looked at me glaring as if she could kill me at this very moment. I hadn't a doubt in my mind she would right now.

"Let me take a wild guess, 'Lover boy' told you this?" She spoke calmly, her voice deadly even. I gulped and Oliver bit his lip to hide his smirk. I glared at him as he spoke.

"Lover boy, Gazelle legs and C.C." She cracked a grin at this looking at the floor.

"Alright, what exactly are you saying?"

"Scar, I think the boys are right, you haven't even been out of the hospital a week and you're already on a tour bus. That's not good for your injury in the first place and then to want to perform? I think you should at least take the first month off." Her head shot up at this, staring straight at Oli.

"Month! A month? I'm not a child Oliver, I know my limits, you don't need to regulate me. I don't need a month." She spoke stubbornly but Oli wasn't budging.

"It's either that or you don't perform at all love. Take your pick." He left no room for argument and her golden eyes sparked with detest. She glanced over at me then and stared into my eyes. Slowly, like frost off a warming window, her stare softened and warmed. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in and out slowly.

"Okay," Scar breathed. "one month but that's it. No longer, promise." I grinned and kissed her cheek. Oliver nodded.

"Or no less. You'll thank us one day, Scar." He sat up slowly so as not to rock the bed too much and leaned down hugging her lightly and kissing her forehead. "Love you, darling. You'll heal up real nicely as long as you listen to us, I promise." He left with a smile and wink at me, closing the door tightly behind him. Now all I had to do was face Scarlett.

*Scarlett's POV*

One look at Ashley and I knew he was only doing this out of love and care for me. I couldn't be mad at him or anyone else for that. As Oli left I turned to Ashley with a small smile on my face. After watching him stare at the door longingly for several moments he turned and met my stare, his nerves showing on his face.

He glanced at my smile and his features softened slightly at the sight. My grin grew and I brushed the hair from his face with my hand and held his cheek. He seemed shocked beyond words, only causing me to chuckle softly.

"I know why you did it and I love you for it. Yes, I was mad for a second there but after a moment of thought and putting myself in your shoes I couldn't help but understand and think this is the least I could do for you."

He seemed so relieved as a smile graced his face and his eyes sparkled. I leaned over and kissed those grinning lips before pulling back and resting my forehead against his and wrapping my arms around his neck loosely. "I'm so glad you understand. I just don't want to see you hurt." He murmured softly, closing his eyes. I smiled, pecking his lips softly and quickly.

"I know. I know you did it for the same reason I would and so did gazelle legs and C.C. I love you all for it, sure I'm upset that I can't perform but I can't get upset for your reasoning." He laughed as he opened his eyes.

"How did I get so lucky to have someone like you?" He asked me. I giggled at this.

"I ask myself the same thing about you every day." As I said this his smile grew so large I thought his skin would rip.

"I love you, Scarlett." He told me, the smile never faltering. I grinned back at him. " And I love you, Ashley." He gently slipped his arm under my knees and tightened his grip slightly around me and lifted me up as he stood. I turned the knob on the door and opened it slowly so as not to hit us and give Ashley time to maneuver us around the small space. Once out we walked to the living space of the bus. Ash stopped just before the opening, I looked up at him curiously but he ignored me and leaned down into my ear.

"Pretend to be pissed at them. Let's give them the show they were hoping for." I let out a silent laugh. "What about you?" I asked him with a crooked smile, my devious mind at work.

"Pass it off as I already made up with you or something." I shook my head but agreed none the less. With that we began moving again and I hid my face in his neck. I could hear the soft voices of the boys speaking and an accented one I believed to be Oliver's letting me know he hasn't left yet.

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