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Perrie's POV
Mine and Alex's relationship has been not going good lately he literally gets jelous over the simplest things even if its just Claudimar texting about rehersals he always thinks im cheating on him. I dont know about this relationship anymore.
*Present time*


Claud: hey pezzie just reminding you that its almost rehersals so better ge here early cause Tulisa (A/N Little Mix's Manager) has something to tell you

Perrie:ok claud do you have any idea what she's going to say?

Claud:Not a thing. The girls are coming be here in 10 minutes

*End of Conversation*

"Who are you talking to? Is that a boy? Are you cheating on me Perrie?!"
Exclaimed Alex. "Alex calm the fuck down i am and will never cheat on you it was just claud saying that i have to go to rehearsals"i said "why i thought its in two hours?"asked alex"i dont know either he said that tulisa have something to say to us"i said "you sure!?" "for fucks sake alex for the last time im begging you please for once listen to me!" i exclaimed annoyed "i do trust you perrie its just that im scared you'll cheat on me!" said alex annoyed too"well did i cheat on you? No.Maybe it was you that  cheated on me  alex cause your getting paranoid!" I exclaimed " i never cheated on you perrie!maybe you are the one that cheated on me with Claudimar!?"said alex angry "what?! Your accusing me? Bullshit! I dont know about this relationship anymore" i said whispering the last part but i think he heard it "what did you say perrie?!" He said getting angrier ready to slap me "i said i have to go " i said not ready to get slapped "fine go to your stupid rehearsal" and with that i stormed out of the house with tears streaming down my face. As i got on the car i checked my phone seeing i have 2 messages from claudimar 3 from jade 2 from leigh anne 2 from jesy and 1 from Tulisa.I opened the recent message wich was from jade.

Jade:perrie where are you were starting in a few be here ASAP

Perrie:Sorry jade i couldnt reply i just had a fight with alex

Jade: man, you guys are fighting alot recently arent you?

Perrie: i dont wanna talk about it right now btw im coming

*End of Conversation*

As i got inside Tulisa's  office I saw the girls  4 faces I missed and 1 face i never thought i'd see again

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