Chapter 5

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I woke up to a text from Tulisa saying that we have to go to her office at 10:00. I looked at the clock and saw it was 9:35 already so i decided to take a bath and get dressed.

Perrie's Outfit

As I got in the office I noticed that everybody was here except for jade, harry, and zayn

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As I got in the office I noticed that everybody was here except for jade, harry, and zayn. I sat next to Jesy and chatted for a while until Tulisa came and said " oh hi girls and lads sorry if I made you wait there was just heavy traffic. We nooded and continue our chitchat until the rest came. "So as you all know the tour will start at the end if this month. But Simon and I decided to move it next week on monday because the quicker the tour starts the faster the fame. Rehersals will start from today up to Sunday. Thats all thank you. Meeting dismissed" Tulisa said and none of us decided to speak against it because besides we have nothing else to do too. After that we all decided to go to the arena and we met there our choreographer. We all practiced our dances and our places and with who we are singing with. Jade will sing with Harry. Jesy will sing with Liam. Leigh will sing with Louis and I will sing with Zayn. Practiced from that day up to Sunday.

It is now Sunday and I am already packing because the girls said they will pick me up in an hour. After i finished packing i went to get hatchi and get him ready because it is okay ti bring pets wich i am very pleased to hear. After i was done getting hatchi ready i heard a loud beep. I quickly took my bags and hatchi and ran downstairs. I climbed in the van and saw everyone was here except for Zayn. I took a seat next to leigh because he also brought his dog and thought they could play while leigh and i chitchat. Me and Leigh were chitchatting when the car immediately stopped causing us to go forward (they were on the backseat). We all groaned "sorry but we are at mr. Maliks house already" said the driver and with that he burst in the door and sat next to me since there was no other seats left. I decided to play with my phone so i texted jade. I know we are in the same vehicle but hey we're quite far from each other.

Jade for bold; underlined for Perrie

Hi jadeeeey

Pez you know were in the same car right?

Actually jadeeeey yes, i know

Than why are you still texting me? You know we can just talk right?

I know I know but were quite far away from each other you know?

Yeah. So what do you want?

Aww. Mean

Sorry im just not in the mood rn

Its that time of the month isnt it?

Yeah but really what is it?

Nothing I just wanted someone to talk to.

Well keep that to yourself because we are already at the airport.


Yep. Now wake up lee lee and your knight in shining armor.


Your scumbag ex.


He is actually sleeping on your shoulder and so is Leigh. I guess your really comfortable to sleep in pez.

Shut up you. 

After mine and jade conversation i woke  Zayn and Leigh Anne up.

We are now flying and everybody is asleep excluding me. So i took out my earphones and listen to my favorite songs until my eyes felt hevy and i fell into a deep sleep.

Author's Note:
Thank you everyone for reading chapter 5 of UNEXPECTED and i am so sorry for this short chapter I promise to make a longer one tomorrow. And sorry again for the grammatical mistakes please feel free to correct me. I hope your still enjoying my story and thank you for all the reads and votes.
I want to dedicate this chapter to hahaImAMixer for the comments and votes of my story. Thank you so much and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Goodbye everyone and once again thank you for reading my story. I love you lots and until next time. Byeee😊😊

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