Chapter 10

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After we got off the plane we went directly in the hotel we were staying at. As we got in we got another note from Tulisa saying
Hi girls and boys,
So you are now on your second hotel and I want to say congratulations for the success of the first night of the tour. This time as a reward I am letting two people stay in one room.
So Jesy and Liam will stay at room 546
Zayn and Perrie will stay at room 547
Leigh, Louis and Niall will stay at room 548 and
Jade and Harry will stay at room 549. Have a good night everyone and goodluck for tomorrow night's show.
Me and Zayn went into our room and I got to say that this was no what I was expecting

Me and Zayn went into our room and I got to say that this was no what I was expecting

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It was a beautiful room if I say so myself. I quickly put my luggage down and sat down on the bed.
"I guess we have to share a bed now babe" I heard Zayn said. I faced him and saw he was going in the kitchen. I decided to take a bath and sleep.

After I took a bath I changed into my pajamas and went to our room. As I got in I saw Zayn sitting on the bed with pizza on the table and flowers. When he noticed me he stood up and gave me the flowers.
"Flowers for The beautiful lady" he said while smiling
"Why thank you sir that is so kind of you" I said chuckling
"Why its my pleasure my lady. Now would you like to watch a movie?" He asked.
"Of course"
I sat on the bed while Zayn was putting the tape. We watched Titanic and it never goes old. I mean I still cry everytime I watched that movie. I rest my head on Zayn's shoulder and he put his hands on my waist while mine was on his chest. Halfway through the movie I felt Zayn kissed my cheeks. Before I realized it he crashed his lips on mine. I immediately kissed back and our lips moved in perfect sync. He started to move to my neck and kissed my sweet spot.

We continued cuddling and watching the movie with a few make out sessions from here and there. After the movie I felt my eyes getting heavy and drifted into a deep sleep.

Hi everyone so first of all sorry for this crappy chapter I'm just very busy lately preparing for my birthday and thank you though for reading still reading this crappy chapter but I promise to make a Better and longer one tomorrow. Again, feel free to correct me if I have grammatical mistakes. I love you guys and see you tomorrow

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